's top 64 vidcons 2020 - THE NOMINATION

In my experience, movies and books are generally the realm of dream logic - ideas and memories connecting physical spaces regardless of realism. I think this is difficult to convey in a game since games are so often concerned with mastery of navigating a particular space. It’s easy to get frustrated by a game that demands master but also pulls the rug out from under you constantly.

Of course, the solution was to make a game that does not demand mastery and is free to be weird as fuck. Touching walls and objects might warp you to a different dream, it might end the dream entirely, it might change the texture set…but it makes these places feel connected by concept rather than physical space. And there’s repetition here - I might see the same space 6 times using the same method, but small things are different. And then the 7th time it doesn’t work and I wake up. It’s wonderful, and very much mimics the structures of the recurring dreams I have had.

LSD Dream Emulator is not as weird as it could be, which I also appreciate because dreams are way less weird than most things depict them as. I’m much more likely to have a dream where I’m wandering around an empty city being followed by a creepy guy in a trenchcoat, rather than some sort of Pink Elephants And Psychosexual Terror that a lot of dream sequences seem to be focused on.

Add LSD Dream Emulator to your list or I’ll melt your face off.