's top 64 vidcons 2020 - THE NOMINATION



does this mean youā€™re both voting for fake metal slug 6 too

Fake Metal Slug 6 ā€“ nthing this and demanding someone find a rom.


Hereā€™s a slew of things that should be up for contention, there is no rhyme or reason other than ā€˜this game is good enough that I think it should be on a list of good thingsā€™

Thereā€™s a lot of stuff I should have played that I have not. So if thereā€™s weird omissions chock it up to that.

Doom and Doom 2
Secret of monkey Island
Thief 2
Final Fantasy 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13
Dragon Quest III and IV
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario 3d land
Super Mario 64
Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid
Linkā€™s awakening
Breath of the Wild
Ocarina of Time
Super Hydlide
Sonic the hedgehog 1 and 2
Whatever Puyo Puyo game gets the most votes, add one more to it
Star Wars: Dark Forces
Metal Gear Solid V
Myst, riven, Uru, Myst V
Bulk Slash
Dig dug
Anodyne 2
Demonā€™s Souls
Castlevania 1, Bloodlines, Rhondo
Chrono Trigger
Early Team Fortress 2
Final Fantasy XIV

More if they occur to me?


Okay I sat on this for 3 days. Will I fill in the blanks? Who Knows.

I shoved it to games I would recommend today. That eliminated almost every excellent online multiplayer experience Iā€™ve ever had. I thought deeply that each of these games is very very good. I also got weird and wild. Where I think each of the Silent Hills can be talked about individually Marathon, Kingdom Hearts, and Sonic are best discussed as a whole and as a concept. They need to be compared and contrasted see how they react to one another.

This also applies to STEINS;GATE. While I am conflicted about the original to this day I think Zero is excellent. You canā€™t just play Zero and emotionally react to it. You need the 30 miserable hours of Steins;Gate jacked into your brain. Only then will Zero make you cry and cheer.

That said I also put some arcade machines yā€™all will have zero chance of seeing in the wild. RIP Arcade Games.

I broke it roughly into 8 categories of 8 see if you can identify the theme. If I was gonna write a blurb that would literally be my other hobby. Yā€™all can challenge me on any of these.

Sonic Adventure
Crazy Taxi
FZero GX
Outrun 2
Sega Rally Championship
Space Harrier
Yakuza Zero
Phantasy Star Online

Silent Hill 1
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4
Siren: Blood Curse/New Translation
Until Dawn

Shenmue Chapter 1 Yokosuka
DDD: The Natural Playboys
Metal Gear Solid V
Gameboy Camera
The Evergrace Soundtrack

Dragonā€™s Dogma
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
Demonā€™s Souls
Steep Slope Sliders

EDF (series)
Ice Hockey
Tetris The Grand Master Plus 2
Desert Golfing
Rocket League
Gals Panic S
Missile Command
Metal Slug X

Marathon Trilogy
16-bit Sonic (1-3K, CD)
Trauma Center Under The Knife
Bullet Witch
Secret of Mana
Motoko-chan No Wonder Kitchen
Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden
House Party

Kingdom Hearts Series
Steins;Gate and S;GZero
Breath of the Wild
Death Stranding
The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa
The World Ends With You
Lost Planet 2

Prop Cycle
Taiko Drum Master
TMNTIV: Turtles In Time
Police 911 2/Shinjuku Keisatsu 24 Hours 2
Ribbit King Frolf
Para Para Paradise
Mortal Kombat 2 on an old janky arcade in 1994

FINAL EDIT: Daphaknee mentioned Yars Revenge so I have to second Yars Revenge I kept debating putting it on my list.


holy lord this thread is big. im not gonna put any thought into this.

ghost in the shell stand alone complex ps2
operation winback 2 project poseidon
ridge racer 7
final fantasy xiii

yeah pretty sure those are the best games


This one came to mind too as I was thinking up arcade games but I couldnā€™t remember what it was called. Itā€™s legit a way better version of Qix

And yeah now that I look it up again screenshots of it look so strikingly odd

hqdefault (4)


Seconding this as it is a much more approachable run of the first game but Iā€™m keeping my vote for that as well for its moments of abject despair and its eerie video-mapped character faces.

snexploration but itā€™s playing every game in this thread that doesnā€™t make the top 64

edit: except steins;gate


Oh definitely add F-Zero GX. I canā€™t believe I forgot that one.

Fuck and outrun.

And Shenmue

I feel so embarrassed


edited my post to add Tempest, which is extremely satisfying to control in physical and a really lovely use of crt vector graphics. if i ever have an excuse to go to chicago again i will play Tempest for three hours. (i will also play the castlevania light gun game again and it still wonā€™t be fixed and i will cry.) in conclusion, Super Hexagon is Tempest 2.


there is too much to read up, but here is a list of my personal canon:

Final Fantasy XIII

Nier: Gestalt

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty


Rain World

Bangai O: Spirits

Dark Souls

Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere

We Know the Devil

Final Fantasy XIV

Gravity Rush

Armoured Core: For Answer

The Witness


Melty Blood: Actress Again

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy X


fighters megamix
nights into dreams
gunstar super heroes
advanced guardian heroes
ninja cop
astro boy (gba)
fantastic children
gunstar heroes
alien soldier
guardian heroes
thunderforce iv
cho ren sha 68k


Ninja Cop? Oh, Europe got a different name for Ninja Five-O.
Astro Boy!

Iā€™m adding a few more votes
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Fake Metal Slug 6
Street Fighter II: Rainbow Edition
Mario vs Airman


definitely the list of an old man who stopped living after 2004

ultima online
disco elysium
conquests of the longbow
gabriel knight 2
full throttle
kane and lynch dead men
kane and lynch dog days
deadly premonition
max payne
max payne 2
max payne 3
metal gear solid
metal gear solid 2
silent hill 1
silent hill 2
quest for glory iii
quest for glory iv
kingā€™s quest vi
hitman absolution
hitman 2
the warriors
gta iv
sherlock holmes vs jack the ripper
payday 2
thief 2
wing commander ii
wing commander iv
evil within 2
final fantasy tactics
final fantasy 7
final fantasy xiv: shadowbringers
fallout 2
baldurs gate 2
yakuza 0
the friends of ringo ishikawa
smt3 nocturne
bushido blade
receiver 2
sonic 3
bare knuckle 3
shadowrun (genesis)
toejam and earl
resident evil 1
twisted metal
doom knee deep in the dead
saga frontier 2
quake team fortress
wwf no mercy
wwf wrestlemania 2000
wcw vs nwo revenge
wcw vs nwo world tour
ace combat zero
the clue!
the sting!
jake hunter detective story memories of the past
way of the samurai
way of the samurai 2
nba street vol 2
quantum break

kamiwaza, ace combat zero - never even played these. just got a real good feeling about them. Iā€™m most excited to vote for even more games Iā€™ve never played but just know are Great from looking the box art or screenshots or hearing them vaguely and inaccurately described and imagining.


In my experience, movies and books are generally the realm of dream logic - ideas and memories connecting physical spaces regardless of realism. I think this is difficult to convey in a game since games are so often concerned with mastery of navigating a particular space. Itā€™s easy to get frustrated by a game that demands master but also pulls the rug out from under you constantly.

Of course, the solution was to make a game that does not demand mastery and is free to be weird as fuck. Touching walls and objects might warp you to a different dream, it might end the dream entirely, it might change the texture setā€¦but it makes these places feel connected by concept rather than physical space. And thereā€™s repetition here - I might see the same space 6 times using the same method, but small things are different. And then the 7th time it doesnā€™t work and I wake up. Itā€™s wonderful, and very much mimics the structures of the recurring dreams I have had.

LSD Dream Emulator is not as weird as it could be, which I also appreciate because dreams are way less weird than most things depict them as. Iā€™m much more likely to have a dream where Iā€™m wandering around an empty city being followed by a creepy guy in a trenchcoat, rather than some sort of Pink Elephants And Psychosexual Terror that a lot of dream sequences seem to be focused on.

Add LSD Dream Emulator to your list or Iā€™ll melt your face off.


oh my, i feel so bad for having forgotten these, please add my vote


iā€™ve never heard anyone speak a single word about ridge racer 5-7 so iā€™m glad to hear something there might be worth checking out

wait a minute why are there so many votes for Bare Knuckle 3 over 2? not trying to be confrontative, just legitimately curious. I like the run button and the special bar but I really didnā€™t like the levels and bosses themselves. plus the fact that enemies can eat your chicken and that you canā€™t throw Big Bens really annoy me to no end.

havenā€™t voted for any but for me the third has cooler atmosphere and music