selectbutton 85, round 21: welcome to the top 5

Physics? Scaler tech simulates driving while Outrun 2 feels like driving?

I love the lock/unlock drifting.

I also feel like the cabinet in its various forms is the true experience and that is mostly lost (accelrated by the pandemic).

Leaning towards voting for Outrun 2 as a representation for all Arcade Cabinets. If I ever get outside again it will be to play some Arcade games knowing it may be The Last Time.


as i’ve said before

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Outrun 2 100%. I can’t play the original at all, 2 is so much better its not even a contest?? Different strokes for different folks, I guess


i love both out run and out run 2.

however, out run is this innovative, holistic, legendary artifact of civilization. out run 2 is just a very good arcade-style driving game with excellent quality. it only even exists because the legend of the original continues to reverberate in history, though.

there will probably not be an out run 2-2 - there is a reason, or a cluster of reasons, for that. that cluster is why the original is the superior video game.

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… the Ferrari license?

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out run 2 will never be life-changing, only life-affirming. it is certainly not going to inspire people to make total homage to it and enshrine it the way out run 2 enshrined out run

i mean out run 2 might actually be the very best arcade-style driving game so it’s like… it’s still good? and worthy? but out run 2 is actually one of the starkest reminders of what matters to me most… the unspeakable. out run, the original arcade game, has it in spades. it’s got moxie. or whatever.

it’s not about quality, for me, it’s about meaning. out run spins meaning so thick and potent that it continues to quake, decades and decades later.


The souls of demons

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It has more Ferraris.

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There is also meaning in being the last of something. OutRun 2 is one of the few 3D games that has aged perfectly from CRTs to LCDs. The Xbox underlying the cabinet is perfect for rendering beaches, coniferous forests, and open skies. It might be the #2 essential Xbox game behind Halo. It scales up perfectly on the PC port.

OutRun 2 is an arcade cabinet you can still find in most metro areas in the US. I have a crystalized memory of playing at a cabinet next to a kid who was driving like they’re getting a license - they learned the objective was to go sideways by watching me stomp on the pedals and torque the wheel.

I honestly don’t follow @meauxdal but if Out Run is an idea OutRun 2 is actualized. Absolutely nothing gives me the verve and flow that OutRun 2 can in an instant. It’s like the paradoxical calm and stimulation of nicotine.


Really want to react this with the toad smoking pic, but I’ll resist :slight_smile:

PC port? Is that still acquirable?

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Yep! Search OutRun 2006 on Works out of the box with Xinput controllers and some wheels.

(Delisted from Steam about ten years ago due to Ferrari license)


voting is now open and will last for one week


thank you, I am here to represent sega racing games


bloodborne is better than demons anyway so


Outrun 2 may be the game this tournament has made me most curious about in terms of it getting so much kudos.


I wish I could recommend it but it’s all about slamming inputs so, you know

We might should get a LAN night together, though


i love you outrun 2, but sorry


damn I was really looking forward to Souls vs Souls

Dark Souls already lost to OutRun 2 previously, so does that mean the next round is skipped?

You blue skies people make me sick