the Steam curator.

Previous thread:

In light of learning that reviews from Steam curators actually have an effect (maybe only some Steam curators?) let’s get our list of recommended Steam games back up to date!

So suggest games that haven’t already been added to our list, or argue against those that have. Ideally post a little micro-review to attach to any entry (because you sure as hell don’t want me to write them). I tend to add a link to a relevant forum thread if there is one, so mention that if you want to make things extra easy.

Here’s what the screen looks like, if that helps:

Also we can add negative reviews now :twisted:

Also mention if you’d make use of being a mod in the Steam group and we can sort that out.


How in the world did One Way Heroics make it onto this list but not Crypt of the Necrodancer. Is this what happens when I never made a centralized roguelikes discussion thread.

Somebody else write the short review line for Necrodancer, anyway, as I’d be all “genre transcendence past self-obsessed canons through instinctual execution and deterministic combinatorics” or some nonsense lacking the proper casual spirit.


in no particular order:

crypt of the necrodancer
invisible, inc
mark of the ninja
escape goat AND escape goat 2!

i will shill blue revolver for a friend because it’s a good game

We Know The Devil: "the OTP system"
Cibele: “MMO’s do some good things and bad things, also: attack of the clones is good”


I’ve had my own page for a few years now, and if there’s any on there you’d like to crosspost into the group, I’d be cool with donating them.

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don’t talk to me or my son ever again


some good finds in there. I’ll check out Noitu Love 2 and Glass Wing at some point

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my picks to add to the list would be

Starseed Pilgrim
Hitman Blood Money
The Witness

My picks

Endless Space
Hyper Light Drifter

Owlboy (have not played enough, it’s charming as all heck though)
Cactus shootey game thing

I keep meaning to review more stuff on steam, but for now my only review that I don’t already see endorsed is Why Am I Dead At Sea.

mushihimesama and kamui should both be on there tbh

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Blue Revolver is psy trance at 174 bpm: the video game.
Blue Revolver has the best color palette you will ever find in a PC game.
Why don’t you own Blue Revolver already?

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(also: selectbuton?)

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make me see the light it is one of 3 games I’ve had refunded on steam so far.

If you like cave-style shmups it’s solid, but if you’re not into those, well, it’s not going to work for you most likely!

I think a lot of people here would want to add Umbrella Corps to the list. Well I guess it’s not many people but a respectable amount. Okay, it’s just me and I can’t even recommend it in good faith due to the low player population. But it’s definitely a Japanese Shooter and has cool emotes.

We could probably add HITMAN TM to the list.

How about Ultimate Chicken Horse? Do we have Nu Doom and Nu Wolfenstein?

Other people would probably be better at writing descriptions for them.

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How am I supposed to do this, there are like 85 million games on Steam

But what about you, grampa?


"Because reloading in the middle of a firefight should feel terrifying and desperate."


It’s the uh French version. Sélêctbütõn.