The level design feels bizarre. I can’t figure out what the game actually wants me to DO at any given moment.

It gives me all these stealth tools and calls me a shinobi, making it seem like I’m supposed to play it like a stealth game, but then the levels are designed specifically to negate playing stealthily, with clusters of enemies that just stand stock still, leaving no exploitable gaps, and forced-alert chokepoints

Combat is loose and slippery and your ability to block is nearly useless, which leads one to assume that the intention is that you prioritize picking off members of packs with stealth kills, but the “stealth” kills just alert everyone within a 30m range anyway, even through walls, so there’s no point

And then it has the gall to punish you for dying by giving NPCs the plague?

It’s like someone really high up on the decision-making totem pole was deliberately trying to sabotage the game by making every part of the game directly contradict some other part

scroll up, I absolutely hated my first time playing it for many of the same reasons

took going back to it a year later and basically whipping through the first hour before I started to like it

lol damn practically zero words of this line up with my experience with the game

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I must be doing something really wrong, then

I really, really want to like this game. I wanted Tenchu Souls since DS2 was still in development

Just mash block instead of holding it and you’re practically invincible tho

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Anyway you are correct it’s not a stealth game, it’s more about just crashing through paper doors and spraying blood everywhere without care for who you aggro. Because you can easily fly off onto a wall at any time and wait 5 seconds for them to deaggro. When it’s worth the trouble you have the option of beginning an engagement with stealth, especially against midbosses.

it actually just makes a really bad & unintuitive first impression on many people, you’re arguably doing many things wrong but none of that is your fault really

I would stumble to the second or third boss, take a break, skim the whole thread, then start over


I managed to physics-jank-abuse my way past a part that was making me extremely angry and just ignored that whole setpiece encounter entirely, and now there is a big snake. This part’s pretty cool at least

Yeah I think I’m done

I went into this hoping for good stealth, good combat, and good level design and I got the opposite of all those things. I’m very glad I didn’t buy this at launch, now. What a shame


sekiro has good stealth, the best combat, and very good level design

It is a stealth game and I have found it very satisfying to play it like Tenchu.

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Like, honestly, I played it heavy on stealth all the way through fountainhead palace. Something peculiarly satisfying about finally finding that specific route that lets me stealth kill all the enemies in an area, finishing with a stealth attack on an area’s mini-boss


the stealth is one of many things that makes it needlessly frustrating to fail at – the amount of consumable and setpiece prep that you need to do to repeat some encounters, especially the minibosses that require a few minutes of empty time to clear out, is pretty galling if you aren’t in the mood for it and it’s not clicking for you. I won’t defend that part of it, but there is a lot there if you like from’s other work. I would not recommend throwing yourself against it under any circumstances; for a generally difficult game, it’s a lot more fun when you’re succeeding.

also, the first 5-10 hours of the game have a lot of inconsistent and mostly optional encounters, to the point where it feels like a concession to them failing to communicate expectations of their famously tough game until almost midway through. Almost everything that blocks your progress up to then can be cheesed.


in general there is a ton of experimentation here * on their part * and it’s a big bummer that it can feel like they haven’t offered that same opportunity to the player until you’ve gotten to upgrade a few of the prosthetic tools or at least stopped getting so anxious about the way they communicate penalties from death and gotten a few more heals. it’s hard not to feel that it could’ve used more producer/editor work, especially early on. all signs suggest that they half expected the first quarter or so to be a mess for many people, but it’s not clear if they reached that conclusion later than they could’ve fixed it or what, because it doesn’t appear initially to have the same vulgar masochistic spirit that anticipates that mess.

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also, a lot of the non-combat systems (like almost anything that has an upgrade menu or an NPC associated with it) are paper thin in this one, so if you liked that aspect of these games (and I was very surprised to learn in this thread that some people didn’t like it, or at least found the idea of looking up build strategies more objectionable than looking up tips for how to play sekiro), there’s not a lot for you here initially.

outside of high level play it’s extremely uneven tbh, though it is thoroughly fromsoft if that keeps you going

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I replayed this game just this last week, I’m up to Fountainhead now. Boy, do i wish this game was a little easier just so more people could see Fountainhead, which is one of my favorite levels in a Fromsoft game and maybe just any video game, period

PROTIPS: Sekiro is very weirdly divided between the stealth levels and the bosses. the latter start off demanding and remain that way to the end, the former has its moments but never really heats up. So you can almost consider stealth and traversal an aperitif/digestif to the combat. Your Sneak Skills are VERY overpowered right from the jump— you don’t actually need to click the right stick and sneak a lot of the time, you can just jog up to dudes and get a deathblow on them before they fully acknowledge you. Only sneak if you’re trying to come at someone from an angle and/or it’s someone like, uhh, another shinobi. Also don’t bother trying to do everything perfect, this game lets you run like a million miles an hour and Batman up to rooftops instantly and no regular enemy has a long enough leash or attention span to stop you. A lot of the fun in Sekiro comes from going “whoops!” and trying to correct on your shinobi hubris

I was not a huge fan of the boss fights with a bunch of adds on first blush but i actually grew to really enjoy them once i realized how broken the stealth is. Learning a path to efficiently clear out everyone before fighting the boss became its own fun little ritual

For the bosses themselves, you literally just have to try until you get their patterns down lol it’s the most fighting game ass game From has ever made. Hold L1, block everything you can, step away and hold L1 when your posture gets too high so it will drain faster (this is a crucial and overlooked mechanic!) Try to tap L1 in time with their attacks to deflect them, but it’s okay to “sword wiggle” a bit before you get the timing down. The game is way more forgiving there than it presents.

Also, eat lots of candy! The blue sugars in particular are invaluable. In general the fights are balanced in such a way that you’re rewarded for coming in hot, and getting more conservative/defensive as the fight goes on. Don’t be afraid to press your advantage, pop that fucking candy if you have the boss on the ropes and Finish Him


Oh and you don’t HAVE to respond to the perilous attacks (the ones with the kanji) the exact way the game prescribes. Doing so usually gets you some posture damage on the boss to keep the pressure up, but if you simply want to avoid damage you can just jump fully away from the boss and avoid 90% of those attacks. That’s Sekiro writ large. In trouble? Just… bounce

and don’t forget you can pause to use items, and even quit out to reset the boss if you want lol. Don’t take an honorable defeat, you’re not a samurai you’re a goddamn shinobi


honestly i had more fun doing the stealth than the bosses this time around. I felt like i ran into Souls-esque technical problems a lot more — lock on breaking at inopportune moments, the camera going bugnuts, the input queue being EXTREMELY finicky. All things that sting more when the combat is this demanding. Still think it’s a rad game overall but there are definitely kinks that could be ironed out of it.

yeah you should be pausing the game to burn items and trying to cheat death at all costs pretty much all the time, which with that static fullscreen ps2 pause menu definitely goes on the list of things that made a garbage first impression on me, like I guess they weren’t even going to try to integrate that with the fumbling elegance of every other souls game, very cool. and once you shift your expectations it’s fine and it fits but you’ll get nowhere chafing against it

honestly half the time it feels more like it predates their last decade of work rather than following it but at least you can almost always explore more when you’re stuck if you don’t get too fixated on dying to one boss over and over and that just barely keeps it light

There’s way too much “nuh-uh, everything-proof shield!” in this game

ah dammit genichiro is really easy

that’s just what I need, getting good at this damn game