sb 85 pt. 24: you love katamari (and doom)

I like the switch to anonymous polls, btw. Private, obviously, but if you wanna be seen you have to write a post.

the pie chart is not as satisfying as the bar chart tho


haha i can’t even see how i voted. and i sincerely don’t remember

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I was the 42nd vote, making it a perfect tie. Unbelievable

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it’s tempting to see this as a battle between a near-perfected single creation (Katamari) versus a never-ending iterative process of creation (Doom and its still going cumminty development), and that’s kinda neat to see how that breaks down. We have gotten one subsequent iteration of the original Katamari, but it was really mostly just due to resolution/processing, and didn’t change much of the game, certainly nothing like what Doom WADs do.


i’d argue they’re equivalently whimsical at any rate


oh most definitely


You all will regret what you did to my bunny.


Je ne regrette rien


I see the one vote margin as being the feel good ending we all needed. We don’t want something wack as second place.


I thoroughly enjoyed this from beginning to end! Even though I became much less active in detailing my opinions, I still liked reading what other posters had to say and it’s funny to look at how everything shook out. Big ups to everyone who made this possible :lovepig:


It’s interesting because Katamari builds to an inevitable conclusion (everything absorbed rolling around an empty ocean, all alone together) and the episodic/shareware nature of Doom along with modding support makes it forever open-ended. Katamari is the last game and Doom is the forever game.

I thought of saying this earlier, but I’m wasn’t sure which I preferred. I voted for Doom, but I’m ok with this result.


i abstained cus i thought doom seemed like the more “SB” option. so, interesting to see how that turned out!

my craving for perfection in all avenues of multimedia means i hold katamari up in my mind as this distant, shining pinpoint to aspire to. i don’t necessarily want to play it that much but i’m so happy that it exists.


this was super fun even though i had to be less active for most of it, everyone here has opinins that are definitely their own and that owns


My 12 years old nephew has come over for a few days and while he couldn’t finish like half of Stage 1 in Kero Blaster , and died before getting the sword on the beach in Zelda LA, he mastered Katamari Damacy super quickly w/ old school tank controls and won the first two levels on the first try

I’ve always seen Katamari as slightly inaccessible (that’s why Reroll offers different controls!) but I was wrong!