the best thing about the 18xx manuals is they all use she pronouns so you can imagine a squad of cigar chomping train dykes

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Ya if vod doesn’t play there’s room. Max of 5

That’s five, stoke the engine @falsedan !! :steam_locomotive:


Game 4:

oh, this thread doesn’t have the board-game tag: @Infernarl would you be so kind

the start of the first game is pretty overwhelming. mash that undo button as much as you like. all the way to the initial auction? sure why not

I had wondered about the window on the undo function. Can you undo other people’s turns, then?

Not that my random moves would generally get any smarter if I reconsidered them. I’m hoping it doesn’t take me too long to figure out how to upgrade my Estus flasks.

you can undo everyone’s turns (there’s a redo button for when you go too far)

heck, there’s a setting in Tools that lets you make moves for other people when you enable it. am often asking people to make moves on my behalf when I’m asleep


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@wourme I cloned the game & undid to ACL’s turn. placing the #8 on G5 & running routes:
Screen Shot 2024-01-07 at 23.44.43

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Must have been user error, then. That is exactly what I attempted to do. Thanks for confirming that it’s possible.

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I’m always ok with rewinding


It goes against my board game instinct to redo my turn when more than one person has gone since, but I would like to practice that move somehow and learn how to do it properly.

Edit: I think I will take you up on that this time because it’s annoying that it was a technical issue and not a strategic error. Apologies for the inconvenience of having to repeat some things.

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my heart hasn’t been in this match cuz all it has room for is stalker but that doesn’t mean all my games in the future will be met with this low energy I’m just obsessed with the zone over zoning

Okay, I have confirmed that my problem was trying to click the track on I7 and H6 past Valdosta, thinking at first that it was a matter of my mouse pointer not being perfectly on the track and then after repeated attempts concluding that it was an illegal move. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to click F6.



This game is starting to feel kind of slimy when I think of it in anything but the most abstract way. It’s not evil like Diplomacy, where you must be cruel to other players in a very personal way.

Rather, you have to put shareholder value and wealth consolidation above all other considerations, just like in real life. And it’s oddly stressful to see potential obstacles to those goals.


“oh no if that entire city of people gets life changing rail service I might get 1$ less a year. Can’t have that”


in the 1830 game we’re playing, I flubbed the opening stab against Infernarl so badly it threw the whole game off because I didn’t think despicably enough. heck even in this 18GA I’m extremely paranoid that any other player will destroy me and play with fear and hate in my heart

I see a bankruptcy coming for me every OR, and I’ll go down kicking and screaming and don’t care who else has to suffer for my ineptitude

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“you better make sure you kill me”

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