Saudade Fantasy Tactics: The Zodiac Killer

just came to the realization that retroarch’s architectural assumptions and the failures that can arise from that ambition are basically identical to those of overarchitected open source digital heritage software, except retroarch is still successful because its users are more motivated



I don’t understand why they don’t give you an error when your missing bios files and just tell you what you need. I never got saturn or dreamcast emulation running til this year cause of this, I’ll never get mame figured out because of this.





if it’s any consolation that steamgrid thing you recommended just hangs on trying to import my origin library and I think it’s because of a symlink I forgot I made

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that actually does make me feel better, thanks

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got it, thanks felix

that doesn’t quite look perspective-correct, and I think you could use a noise pass over that up-res

but you’re welcome and thanks!!

do you want me to play or do you want me to mess with retroarch settings



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that actually looks terrible but i have to crank up the IR or some kind of filtering or another makes the text hard to read

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oh much better, though the crt shader needs toned down a bit

switched to beetle non-hw on @meauxdal’s suggestion

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it’s actually a bug that I liked and kept

glad you enjoyed it!!!


I can never tell how much of my shtick is going to stand out as egregious, but I guess it’s not too surprising that was the example you screenshotted


Did you move or delete the file?

not intentionally! I was rebuilding it to try to prep an actual diff patch though, here’s the current prebuilt

Am (almost) testing it, yo!

I’m just about to release a teeny tiny update – I never had a clear idea of what I wanted to do with the final battle whose dialogue has always been incredibly boring, and it came to me this week. it’ll be a drop-in fix though, so don’t let it delay you


putting this in the “!Curated” folder of my new Woodboy What Plays Games, will finally get to playing this. still my first time trying to play this game, so i will get none of the changes.

that’s good! there’s honestly nothing in my script that’s like, overly cute w/r/t the original one. about 5-10% that was previously really dry is now played for laughs, and the remainder is tightened way up, the subtext is more consistent and rewarding, etc.