Robot: You have 20 seconds to comply ("AI")


thinking of a short story where in the future everyone programs by begging AI to generate working code for them, and everyone has a specific incantation they add to that generates good code, nobody can read or write it anymore, there’s huge panics whenever an update to the language model is published and the old prayers don’t work anymore. people guard their own prompts like family secrets, passing them down to the next generation.


they give the chatbots the ability to self-modify and improve themselves using the code they generate. Unbeknownst to the machine whisperers, this results in steadily degrading quality as the chatbots make themselves stupider with each generation


honestly a robot menace is the great Other the human species could probably use as target of martial energy and community building right now


livestock tracking app for sheep cows and goats, 255 github stars, 8 active issues, javascript deno vue graphql, sqlite, circleci passing, code of conduct, jest, testing-library, makefile


My favorite version of this premise is Comstar in the Mechwarrior mythos, who run the FTL communication systems that hold interstellar society together. Over generations the scientific and engineering knowledge to run and repair these machines has degraded and so Comstar becomes a cargo cult church that venerates the machines and says prayers to make them operate.

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OpenAI employee waking up every morning: “Oh boy I can’t wait to ruin the livelihoods of millions of people”

I have tried to get back into writing these past few months but haven’t had much energy, creative or otherwise. Reading about the latest AI model makes me want to stop writing, because I know I can’t outpace it’s volume of output, and people are going to value whatever small bits of novel “content” the AI model generates because “Ai did it” vs whatever I come up with. Sure, maybe not now, but the techbros of the world are salivating at the prospect of making every creative pursuit obsolete.

Chat GTP generated spam will be awful. I read a comment on a blog post that was AI Generated. On twitter I saw someone advertise “Chat GTP driven cold-emailing services, send thousands of personalized emails based off linkedin information” and I wonder if at some point every computer interface you have is filled with this fake bullshit.

And apps too. One of the things Chat GTP 4 was able to do was make a discord app. Personally I do hope programming also becomes obsolete and all we’re left with is these sigma grindset dudes trying to get GTP 4 to generate whole fucking programs. We will all forced to be outputting with the force of 10 - 20 people, leveraging multiple AI programs to generate endless content, which is itself evaluated by other AI programs. All that will be left is manual labor, but instead it’ll be driving a fucking drone around using an AI created control interface that runs in javascript


Honestly I would expect GPT to do extremely well on something like the bar exam, it’s all about regurgitating stuff from a gigantic base of knowledge using a certain kind of language and the answers don’t have to be “right” more than is necessary to satisfy the grader. You even get a specialized vocabulary that damn near auto-tags certain parts of the training corpus and doesn’t need to be reworded in the output.


Can confirm. Unsurprisingly, every single practicing lawyer will tell you that performance on the bar exam doesn’t mean shit about your ability to practice in reality.

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will SB2 is the last place only human, or…?

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generate two Ukiyo-e by it…

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They trained this fuckin’ AI on my college essays


Damn. A chatbot could’ve done clambo’s job the whole time


Please, for the love of roberta s. williams, do not ask this thing to write in the style of Tim