Rainbow Six Siege is the best hero shooter and best milsim

this game reminded me that Red Faction Guerrilla is still being patched (as with Worms Armageddon, it’s deservedly gotten the series high point treatment), and the multi is actually fun for a goof after you’ve finished the (early 360 era sparse but just starting to turn it around in 2009) open world single player, and dang do I love games with destructible environments. It’s obviously hard (from both a design and an engine perspective) to do well but the flexibility is just so good.

the pacing of “OK here’s a level structure, you have like 40 seconds to decide how you want to cover it and reinforce aspects of it before it’s all up for grabs” is a million times more interesting to me than building a base from scratch but I have to imagine it scratches the same itch for people who do like the latter?