Some people have gotten a hold of the original Tomb Raider Anniversary remake that was designed by the original Core Design but have been told “No.” Crystal Dynamics lawyers.
Petition link?
“We wanted to publish a level a day just to ensure we bring back all the attention to this cancelled remake”?
What is wrong with fan communities these days, why would you create a marketing push for leaked content? Get it out with clean hands and then talk about it all you want
don’t pick a fight by putting your chin out as far as possible waiting for the swing
I was once working on a Zelda fangame that was all direct asset rips from Zelda II. I encountered a bug I couldn’t program around easily and then lost interest. My plan was to never talk about it until it was done then drop it on the internet, possibly anonymously, so I couldn’t get a C&D before the work was ready to be downloaded and archived by everyone.
C’mon, folks.
Interesting technical snafu by Konami (and others) that was discovered just last month:
To clarify the tweet, it’s not the every bit of the sample was in reverse order. Rather each byte of the sample had it’s bits in reverse order. Amazingly, this only makes the sound modestly grainier/crunchier, rather than making it unrecognizable. Why exactly is that?
First, keep in mind that NES samples use a 1-bit delta encoding. If a bit is 1 the waveform goes up a notch, while if a bit is 0 the waveform goes down a notch. Here’s an example I just made up:
Notice how reversing the order of the bits in a byte does not change the ending point of the waveform relative to the starting point for that particular byte. This is because the number of ones and zeroes in the byte stays the same, so it still goes up and down the same amount in total (in other words, 5-3=2 in both cases). Thus, this mistake distorted the finer details of the sample (the grainy high frequency stuff), but preserved it’s general shape (the low frequency stuff).
happy accidents
So it was an endian error presumably caused as they were importing and the assets from the computer they were using? I wonder how much delta-encoding can mask errors like this, I’d assume you need really low-quality assets to be human-passable.
I like how the Wind Fish turned out but I gotta say the first iteration on the lower right is very charming
Man I’d play the hell out of that Super FX Zelda
I haven’t played or thought about this game since it was new, so I’m just now appreciating the painterly use of garbled tiles in this cinematic.
“Treasure Tails” a pitch for a 16-bit Tails solo game that never came to fruition
Also apparently old but news to me: There was more Spinny & Spike stuff released on a disk from Tom Payne? Funny that the main google result is the Unseen64 article that links back to my luckily aggregated old SB thread. I’m the Spinny & Spike fan lol
EDIT: also
If you look through this thread you’ll also find some stuff from cancelled game B-Bomb
related to the above: here is Craig Stitt of Sega Technical Institute’s video resume of his artwork which is where the Treasure Tails stuff is coming from. It also contains some unused Kid Chameleon sprites and footage of an unreleased game called Dark Empires
another nintendo leak happened today, this time including unreleased Game Boy games (mostly regional variants tho, from the looks of it), among other things
nintendo in 2020
I can’t find any good videos of it yet, but apparently it’s a pretty different piece of software, and not just a simple reskin!
(This guy’s computer seems be choking on the recording at times.)
Soundtrack is by Minako Hamano and a couple other names I don’t immediately recognize.
Imagining an alternate universe where camera games became the Game Boy’s dominate genre in its later years.
This one is called Cool Q in Rap Quest, also
Unlike Bobby, Vibot does not believe in you or in humanity.
The rest of the thread is incredible.
“You’re now ready to fumble around and ignorantly call it GOLF!” is a stellar line.
i want bong joon ho to direct a film adaptation of supershot golf robot