Podcast Episode #88: A More Mario 64-like Mario

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Episode #88: A More Mario 64-like Mario MP3

Episode Description:

Why not more Mario 64-like Mario game for Wii U? More Mario 64-like Mario game for Wii U would be discussed for selectbutton podcast about how it will forever change Nintendo’s history due to lack of precision control. Please orient your Nintendo DS console in correct position. Please leave a comment and ring the bell if you know where more Mario 64-like Mario game for Wii U is.

Episode #88, ft. AutomaticTiger, Father.Torque , felix, rudie, shrug, and tulpa


more Mario 64-like Mario game for @AutomaticTiger U, more Mario 64-like Mario game for @Father.Torque U, more Mario 64-like Mario game for @felix U, more Mario 64-like Mario game for @shrug U, more Mario 64-like Mario game for @tulpa U, especially more Mario 64-like Mario game for @rudie


Annoying my wife on the bus laughing at just the description.

1 Like

The description and the episode’s introduction are both works of art, lmao


We’ve never once deserved bradley coma

but really

why not more Mario 64-like Mario game for Wii U?


seconded. I’ll definitely listen to it now

The first N64 game I played was Ocarina, hungover at age 16, recommended

I have finished this and am extremely proud of my tedious shaggy-dog conclusion that absolutely will not wrap up in the face of @Rudie’s increasing exasperation OK see I can be not-down on myself I appreciate my True Arts when they occur