It’s one of those games that looks overwhelming for the first round or two and then it all makes sense and you rarely have to refer to the rules again or ask questions. You should try it if you get a chance.
I could consider a game of dune after the new year, if people were interested : )
My partner got me a copy of Great Western Trail: New Zealand for christmas, and her mom bought Everdell in hopes that I could teach it so we can play. And I got us the new Knizia game My Island to play together, since that’s such a novel experience. Some interesting games ahead!
GWT NZ seems like a pretty hefty one! I’m excited to check out what I’ve seen described as a more open version of the original game, with a slightly bigger emphasis on deck building. Plus the sheep are cute.
GWT is great. If you’re in a position of playing games two player with a partner I would highly recommend 7 Wonders Duel
I love GWT and would play it on BGG. It’s a good implementation.
GG @wourme in the Ark Nova game. We were obliterated
I had no fucking clue what I was doing!!!
yeah I long ago gave up hope of catching up, if only I wasn’t so zooted on those first few turns, I might not have made so many blunders!
gg wourme
We played for 42 days. It was like old-time chess by mail. I think it would be hard to play this game for the first time without talking about it in person at the table. (This was my third time, and the other two games were in person. One, of course, was at the meetup.)
I’d play again if others want to.
Potion this to rematch
I finally got to try the copy of Caylus 1303 that I bought at a discount several years ago. Reviewers had said that it improves on the original game, but it’s been so long since I played the original that I couldn’t identify all the differences.
The new game is very nice looking, though, and reminded me that I like Caylus.
The original Caylus is famous for having perhaps the least appealing box art in the world of board games.
Potion to Agricola again
What if we were to play . . . Troyes this time?
I’ve played it 2-3 times but it’s always so long between games that I forget how it works.
Great Western Trail? I can teach it.
Would play both simultaneously and I already know how
Totally unfamiliar but sure.
I’ll set up a game of Great Western Trail then! It’s a game with a lot of depth, though fairly simple to learn.
BP this post if you want to be included, it’s four player per table. @Tulpa or @bib or anyone else is invited!
Play Great Western Trail for free with me: Play Great Western Trail online from your browser • Board Game Arena