only 25000 bicolor gemstones for 100 emet-selch portraits (ffxiv)

Today, I’m finally caught up on the MSQ, and thus also finished with Endwalker. Shadowbringers may exceed it for hard-hitting emotional moments—I cannot handle the scene in which you bring Ardbert’s crystal to Seto without sobbing—but overall, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is my “most satisfying” storyline in the franchise. Who knew I had so much unrealized nostalgia for FFIV? I certainly didn’t: I never got more than 3/4ths of the way through that game. Nevertheless, the use of FFIV’s musical and narrative themes, coupled with the reinvention of a dissatisfying villain into something exceptional as well as the resolution of storylines we’ve been following since the very beginning of A Realm Reborn made Endwalker my favorite expansion so far. From MSQ to the patch content to Pandaemonium and the Myths of the Realm, I’ve been completely satisfied with what we got. Haven’t unlocked the Hildibrand stuff yet, but I’m looking forward to it. I’ve lost count of how many streamer vods I’ve watched of the last 30% of this expansion; I’m certainly not done yet.