One Game For SButt To Play

Yeah tbf i am someone who passed it over because it looked like a cliche throwback when it’s actually an excellent throwback

The third episode rules btw, im cracking into it now. Each episode feels very distinct, they use different assets and enemy types to give them their own flavor. Should also note that you can start any episode whenever you want just like you can in Doom, and there’s a built-in toggle to start each mission with only your melee weapon if that’s your kind of challenge (it is my kind of challenge, i love pistol starting). And in place of a reload key you can twirl your weapons around for fun. And you get double pistols/shotguns. And there’s a super shotgun and it is A REALLY GOOD VIDEOGAME SHOTGUN

one of the enemies barks is “HERETIC” and i always want to whisper back “HEXEN”