One Game For SButt To Play

Just want to say i really love this thread rudie!!

Anyway! I recommend DUSK!!

i’m 2/3 episodes in and so far it’s a blast. I was surprised when i searched here and found no discussion of it! I wonder if it got passed over because it looked like too much of a cliche throwback. it draws most obviously from quake 1 and doom/doom 2 — low-poly 3D visual style, swarms of enemies popping out of monster closets, you run a million miles an hour (and there’s no fall damage) — but it’s pulling from all kinds of 90s/early 00s FPS design, there’s notes of half life 1 and 2, blood, deus ex, system shock, thief… I think it collages together all these games in a way that’s really entertaining. It basically feels like a really ambitious doom megawad that incorporates stuff like a flashlight, picking up/throwing objects, proper aiming and sniping, etc. There is a level midway through the first episode that fulfills the promise of Sandy Peterson’s city maps by modeling a block essentially in the deus ex style, and it’s very good and fun. it also has a kickass hard rock/metal soundtrack and looks gorgeous. I have no idea how the real doom murderheads will feel about DUSK but i hope they give it a shot sometime.