One Game For SButt To Play

Online Myth Context was always “finds quiet corner of the map to hide in until most of the fighting is over, then mops up easy victory.” Which is kind of like… moved from my spawn point, control of which is the ultimate goal of the game, then moved to disrupt the first fight I found, then repeat for… ultimate defeat?

I definitely avoided a fight, and tried to position my units for Future Utility as I engaged with the other players in ways that were tactically advantageous (paralyzing much of a fight that was already in progress, sweeping the archers of the third party that were already picking at them), but that’s… the game?

It’s a tactics game?

After my initial repositioning I was engaging with other players the whole time? Up until I lost?

I was unable to square this circle (wait, then how do I play the right way?) and that plus my teenage social anxieties meant I just never played again.