Coffee (Formerly Eternally Doomed (Formerly Nu-DOOM Murder Junkies (Formerly I played the Doom closed alpha on PS4)))

I am so 1000% into this criticism, you guys feel me

The Avatar of Rage, so obviously pissed at the so obvious Tech Savior Hell-Exploiting Asshole opening hell portals and ruining human life AGAIN in the pursuit of easy energy and cash money AGAIN, I’ve heard this shit a hundred times, fuck you where’s my shotgun I’ll kill them AND you…

And then halfway through the game you’re like, yes daddy, implant the leash in me.

I just want to make clear that this is deep cut cribbed from a line from the awful Dafydd ab Hugh’s wonderful Doom novelizations, which I would recommend to literally anyone geek-adjacent

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I, on the other hand, would NOT recommend those novels. Maybe if they were half the length.

The Corps, the Corps, all glory to the Corps!

I listened to IDEOTV episode about that book!

I read the summary of the episode and they’re citing the painstaking detailed descriptions of every single Doom map as a negative for some reason


What’s bad about it is the extremely avoidable detail that they give Doomguy his weapons back in the same room that the cyborg is in, and then do that thing where your gun auto-lowers if you aim at an NPC. That’s the only time the game implies they’re actually collaborating, as opposed to Doomguy simply killing everything in sight (and only demons happening to be in sight).


he mentions he gave you a software update to install the tether, i always assumed that also fucks up your ability to shoot him

also you can shoot him with the super shotgun and he says “save your ammunition” sooooo


Replaying Doom 2k16 again, this time on Nightmare, and having a really good time with it so far. Just got to the first Hell level.

I, uh, how do I put this? Somehow I’ve gone this far playing the game this whole time the past two years without realizing that I can play the classic stages from the main menu. I thought it was just the rooms you found in the regular levels but actually those unlock the entire stage in the main menu. The game even tells you this! Repeatedly!

I am apparently as brain dead as an Unwilling.

Realized exactly the same thing on my second playthrough actually

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Played this for the first time today due to it being on Xbox Game Pass now. It’s neat!

Also hi, I’m the one the “rip and tear” memes and goofy continuity jokes are for. It me, the fun liker.

Also I love how they abandoned the idea that the doom marine is Just Some Guy, and made him into some kind of ubiquitous cosmic force of nature. He’s like the langoliers but for demons instead of time. I like that. Beats him being Lt. Corporal Davefromaccounting


I read the "earth is the melting pot of the universe and “call them mortally challenged” jokes
pretty lame puny dad jokes. earth os the melting pot of the universe, because earth is now a firey lava hell world.

but more of a joke about how massive corporatioms will co opt the language of social movements to push their own version evil discretely. there were a ton of jokes like this in the last doom game that came out.

the other thing ove noticed is that even though our reaction to the jokes being relatively mildly critical is basically shared by left people everywhere, neckbeard gamernerds are falling for believing we’re all shitting our pants over it, there are dozens of articles and yt videos about “the new DooM is ANTI SJW!!” which os untrue

and even more hilariously probably an example of a massive corporation using language to get free press for their product


The banal fracking into hell is too fucking funny. I don’t care if it’s corny and clashes with the aesthetics.


This is exactly what Doom should be, IMO.

Let’s not forget that the original was basically Buttrock: The Game, and the impetus for Doomguy’s crusade into hell was because his pet rabbit died


While I agree, if we’re being nitpicky the dead rabbit was only established as Doomguy’s pet in the ending to Ultimate Doom’s episode 4 which came out after Doom 2. And he had already been to hell and back once when he discovered Daisy and the Earth’s fate anyway.


I just found out that Doom 2016 cheats with the health bar. Your last few HP are worth much more than the ones before that. This results in you getting weakened a lot at the start of a fight, which makes you cautious, then makes you take risks to go for glory kills to recover some of those HP. That’s how the delicious gameplay loop is helped along.

I’m sure this has been going on for a while in games to make every enemy encounter feel like a close call. It’s just now that I’m aware of it.

I mean I know games cheat in your favor all the time, like how XCOM actually gives you better hit chances than what it displays to make it feel fair because we don’t interpret statistics mathematically and instead emotionally but yeah, I don’t know all the tricks in the book yet

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An extremely common variant of this mechanic is the life backstop – an attack that would kill the player instead leaves them at critical health, if they were above a health threshold when taking the hit. Drama is good!

nu-DOOM also relies on Half-Life-style supply drops, or, the health and ammo drops from monsters are heavily dependent on what you need. At max health, they’ll drop almost no health; at low health, they’ll drop gobs of it. Half-Life was early in this and very obvious because they used a simple formula for the recharge stations to optimally put you at mid-70%, and this extends to the health packs found in nooks and crannies; they won’t spawn if the player doesn’t need them.

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