Now That's What I Call Concept!

I love a good concept album!

First off, I’ve got to shout out David Bowie and Brian Eno’s outrageous cyberpunk concept album 1. Outside: The Nathan Adler Diaries, Or The Art Ritual Murder Of Baby Grace Blue: A Non-Linear Gothic Drama Hyper-Cycle, which I talked about at length in this thread:

Dredg - El Cielo - This was my favorite album in high school. I’m not as impressed with it as I used to be, though I still like it well enough. It does have a very fun, all-over-the-place concept. It’s about times where the border between dream and reality become porous, using imagery related to sleep paralysis and the Salvador Dali painting Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate One Second Before Awakening. The album’s title is a clever pun; the Spanish word “cielo” can mean sky or ceiling, and a common visual during an episode of sleep paralysis is the ceiling of one’s room merging into the sky.

Kate Bush - A Sky of Honey - This is disc 2 of her album Aerial. It’s a song suite that uses the metaphor of a beautiful summer’s day and night to explore experiences of the cosmic and the sublime emerging from daily life. The album’s climax, Nocturne, gives me goosebumps every time. It’s about standing in the ocean after an entire night on the beach, watching the sun rise in front of you. I’ve done this before, and the music really does live up to the experience.