paging @a_new_duck and @Gate88 because of their interest in Wumpuses. Wumpi?
Nice catch I would happily talk way more about it if other people want to discuss it.
ah, is it mapping for you? my implementation does something similar but it uses like a javascript physics library to do it
Oh that’s really cute!!! The implemention I used did not generate a visual map, it was like an old-school parser-based version, but actually a huge part of the fun of playing Wumpus for me was mapping out the cave myself. A lot of my thoughts about it are actually kind of related to that experience. I need to go do some work, I’m letting the forum distract me too much right now I feel like but later I’ll start a thread about it maybe since I think Wumpus is always a fun topic of discussion. It’s interesting to me that you had the urge to make a nice visualizer give my experience; I would be curious to hear your thought process. It’s amazing to me that everyone can get so many different things out of that game considering its vintage—it looks like @a_new_duck decided to make a sort of elaborate computer game shrine to the Wumpus, for example.
I actually hosted a Wumpus-themed game jam that resulted in four games back in 2018. I think there’s a lot of neat stuff one can do riff on with the core ideas in Wumpus, and I’ve been thinking about running another jam next summer (should’ve done it this year, since this is the 50th anniversary of Hunt the Wumpus, but I think I’ve missed the window on that (wait, damn, maybe I could run a late December to early January jam)).
My idea was to try to take the Wumpus-hunting mechanics in a nonviolent direction, so that ended up becoming a game about spiritual searching on two different levels. I originally intended to rename the central deity so it wasn’t about the Wumpus, but the Wumpus stuck.
Anyway, happy to break this all off to a separate Wumpus thread.
This is actually from yesterday but I was waiting to post it until I made it to the Wumplands.