My Dragon Warrior III Personality Type is :twisted: -- What's Yours??

How the hell did this happen.


some accessories change personality! The gold necklace is making him look like a pervert i guess. The garter grants sexy personality to lady characters, if you happen to get one


The truth will out.




Come clean whoever lurks and runs that account.


I’m playing King’s Field now.


you should play more dragon warrior 3


Yeah I could do that but right now I’m playing Dragon Quest XI, 2021’s hottest video game, I bet this is what finally makes me famous



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Selfish yet likable. This is me in a nutshell.


Can’t believe saying ‘yes’ paid off, finally understanding why they put smooching in all those Mass Effect games

Damn, I’m the luckiest man alive…


crossposting the two canon dq personality types


I beat the Super Famicom version of Dragon Quest I last week. Single digit hours spread across 3 days. Not as good as the Famicom version but that one does take longer, that’s one version you gotta fast forward through, I don’t wanna do that anymore so I went SuFami for the first time. I don’t regret it. It was just fine.

Truly appreciate when anyone recognizes this, even if it’s in a video game. Thank you, Female Villager. I’ll never forget you. Wish more people were as brave as you.

This is a fallen world. These people may be alive but they are truly burdened. This is a vibe most other JRPGs lack. It’s a vibe somewhat undercut by the Super Famicom’s color palette. The OG DQ feels way more downer and its grind/the likelihood that you will fuckin’ beef it repeatedly and suffer a great loss enhances that. But I have beaten this game like 3 times already, I don’t gotta do it honestly no more, I can go 16-bit and go “yeah, I was right, this game rocks, it rocks even more on Nintendo, I just don’t wanna spend that much time with it now.”

Dreaming of a day where I’m rich enough get buried, and have a tombstone with an epitaph that may result in my descendants kicking off a futuristic It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.

Did I ever make a post about how Dragon Quest combat is ideal RPG combat cuz it feels like you’re playing a slot machine and how adding deeper mechanics sucks, it’s tedious, you should just pull the lever and hope for the best? If I didn’t well, today’s not the day, I’ll do it sometime in the future though, I’ll find a really good way of expressing this feeling I have in my heart that gambling is the finest thing a person can do (if it’s done in Dragon Quest).

You really should play Dragon Warrior if you haven’t. It’s the best.


I feel like the weirdest thing about dragon quest combat is it does the opposite of most games. it feels like a slot machine but is actually pretty good at letting you control the outcome, vs. “looks like skill but is a very well disguised slot machine” that many modern games do.

but yeah it’s great, the whole game feels like being a gambler on a lucky streak, it’s the best feeling.


This is the core of Dragon Quest’s ability to get so much out of its relatively unremarkable landscapes. It rightfully emphasizes people over lore and setting. Defeating Mordegon matters more when I know that elderly couple from Sniflheim stranded in Puerta Valor are depending on me, or the family that fled their home in Gallopolis, or the widow in Lonalulu who fires a cannon each dawn in remembrance of her partner.


Dragon Warrior III (USA)_01


Dragon Warrior III (USA)_03
Dragon Warrior III (USA)_04

really did not consider the ramifications of handing off my only dealer


New York, New York

A second New York is being built
a little west of the old one.
Why another, no one asks,
just build it, and they do.

The city is still closed off
to all but the work crews
who claim it’s a perfect mirror image.

Truthfully, each man works on the replica
of the apartment he lives in,
adding new touches,
like cologne dispensers, rock gardens,
and doorknobs marked for the grand hotels.

Improvements here and there, done secretly
and off the books. None of the supervisors
notice or mind. Everyone’s in a wonderful mood,
joking, taking walks through the still streets
that the single reporter allowed inside has described as

“unleavened with reminders of the old city’s complicated past,
but giving off some blue perfume from the early years on earth.”

The men grow to love the peaceful town.
It becomes more difficult to return home at night,

which sets the wives to worrying.
The yellow soups are cold, the sunsets quick.

The men take long breaks on the fire escapes,
waving across the quiet spaces to other workers
meditating on their perches.

Until one day …

The sky fills with charred clouds.
Toolbelts rattle in the rising wind.

Something is wrong.

A foreman stands in the avenue
pointing binoculars at a massive gray mark
moving towards us in the eastern sky.

Several voices, What, What is it?

Pigeons, he yells through the wind.


Glad you specified this because the quality of life additions to the NES version definitely make me live in fear of the famicom version.

Fine I’ll play DQ1 SFC in the original Japanese.

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