i was gonna name it but XE-1AP doesn’t ring too many bells i’d imagine
My dad bought us
With Hard Drive’n as he assumed it was analog and would make steering easier. It was not.
I have no idea what happened to it. I assume it was meant for the Genesis’ many shmups
Did anything take analog control on Genesis/MD?
iirc each pin only had a “low” and a “high” phase it could read inputs on and they were mostly just doubled up, there was no real analog input unless you faked it and used a controller that borrowed other buttons to send 2 or 3 degrees of directionality to one game or another, which may have been what the above controlller did, idk
Hey lookie there, the hardware canucks have y’all covered
The XE-1AP must have been predominating the egregore this week
my amiga came with a stick in the exact same shape as this, which just had one big button on top, plus the other button that’s in the trigger position. of course, both buttons did the same thing.
i just used a mega drive controller though. i don’t know why microcomputers had such universally awful controllers made for them
this is stolen valor
I had the NES version of that, and only used it for Top Gun. Pretty sure it must have been a clearance thing.
Saw one on a J-site for 200 bucks yesterday.
I’m sure you’ve seen this already but now I need your commentary
Shook Hardy & Bacon sounds like a midwestern bar & grill resto
cursed content from the retroarch autoconfig project
that wouldn’t be even in my top 3 choices for that mapping
Have these people just not seen a Hori Fighting Commander?
yeah retroarch uses a wholly theoretical RETROPAD archetype for mapping that uses the SNES face/meta button labels and PlayStation labels for the rest for some reason which explains some amount of that monstrosity.
in my opinion there’s no contest that the OG Xbox to 360 move of C/Z (white and black) to the bumpers (LB and RB) is the best saturn-to-dual-shoulder conversion, but both SDL and retroarch (to a less consistent degree) have settled on the fightpad layout… thanks to capcom presumably
I’ve been trying to parse what you mean by this.
Square Circle Cross Triangle + L1 R1 L2 R2
cursed but extraordinarily useful if you plug in a six button controller and are wondering why the hell the mapping is completely wrong; just gotta match the picture and retroarch will behave with that controller from now on
“match the picture” would work if it’s a nintendo thing you’ve got in hand but not if it’s a sega or microsoft thing because the letters assume a nintendo style button layout :-[
depends tho… like here’s the context https://github.com/libretro/retroarch-joypad-autoconfig/pull/790 there’s deliberation around fixing the mapping of one mayflash converter on one platform driver.
project-wide consistency is a whole nother ballgame that would involve effort on behalf of the retroarch project, the core developers, and the autoconfig contributors. because there are inconsistencies on every one of those levels, following any given instructional is more likely to produce an incorrect mapping than a useful one. ;-[