honestly, not sure which game you are talking about, but that is usually what happens in these games, in that i memorize a button as its function and not the button name. Which makes switching between games ROUGH sometimes.
All buttons are both bumpers and triggers. I know this is pedantic and stupid but the pedantic and stupid goblins in my brain will remind me of this any time a prompt appears.
Just call it R1 / R2 Its easy. The lower number is closer to you.
What kills me is how many indy games want me to use an XBOX controller. Aesthetically and tactilly I just dont want to deal with that controller ever. I dont know if I can even explain it but I hate the dead feeling xbox button action and the tiny evenly weighted throw on its analog sticks. And then “bumpers”?? When the fuck do you bump them? Why not call them Slappers? Poppers? Bopper? Thunkers? Clackers?
The triggers should be called throttles or pulls. Triggers are binary, throttles are analog. But then you have to tell people that the left throttle is your brake (I would love this).
But being “correct” is pointless once everyone is used to the new way. I know this.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA (this is a sad aaa)
Reminded when I worked the floor of a PAX and how everyone at the VIDEO GAME CONVENTION was completely baffled as I told them what to do with an xbox 360 controller that I held up to their face and overpressed the buttons.
As ugly as the Lb/Rb button naming is, I do think bumper is pretty accurate for how you end up using the button. It isn’t like a PS controller where hitting the L1/R1 feels good, on the XB controller you literally shove the side of your finger into the outermost part of the button so you can get your index finger where it belongs (on the trigger).
That said, I really can’t stop thinking about how nice it is to hold those Oculus controllers. I think they call them triggers and grips which is pretty gross, but also accurate.
If controllers weren’t designed to have you press two different things with your index finger, we could just use the digit as the name. “The index button, the middle button, the lower thumb button”. I’ve seen some more unique control schemes that divide the left and right shoulder buttons into inside and outside. I like that, too.
So despite what 8bitdo claim, most seimitsu sticks to not fit in their arcade stick. Apparently the only one that does is the no longer being made 33. Oh well.
LS-40 with the stock mounting plate. Looking around on the google, found several posts about how any Seimitsu but the 33 just won’t work at all, which sucks. The bottom screw was just gouging out the plastic, which sucks. The only person who solved it cut a hole in the plastic and then put an external patch over that, which is not really something I want to do, so ordering a sanwa today or tomorrow.