Mecha-Dinocalypse on the horizon, or at least dawning on anyone?

So, I agree w/ the notion outlined in the gamesplozion topic, too many big hits, all at once this month, yeah.

And i feel quite guilty that i’ll be waiting for Nier2 to be released next friday, yes, so I am part of the problem here.

Isn’t anyone playing this?
It looks so much like a game that’d be discussed here, so I was thinking maybe i haven’t found the topic yet, witty title & all (again, part of the problem here…), but it seems that we’re sitting this out, for now at least?

Kinda a shame, I think… maybe i’ll earlier put my money where my mouth is then…

(i mean, mecha-dinos in post-post apocalypse sounds like transformers:the after years, so it _is_ up my alley, naturally....)

what is this thread about? ;_;

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Horizon: Zero Dawn, the cyborg animal skyrim that people are currently ignoring in favor of nintendo skyrim and maybe also possibly floppy dong minecraft skyrim.

ohhh, i’ve seen that advertised a lot on psn

it looked like a cool setting for an action game, but i lost interest when i found out it was an rpg

It’s probably way more action than RPG. Like, there’s probably crafting mechanics and unlockable skills and that’s about as RPG as it gets, I’d bet.

I’m playing it this weekend for work.

Five hours in:

I’m pretty bored. The world is constructed out of many large boulders in a way that feels intensely gamey; the lighting and grass is up to par but it lacks the understanding of natural spaces that Witcher 3 has.

The combat is the most interesting part but struggles in its place in an open-world game. You’ve got several bow-like weapons: a shortbow, a line-trap setter, a grenade-lobbing slingshot. Battles heavily favor stealth attacks to take down stragglers/watchers on the edges, setting traps, and being prepared for the main target. Unfortunately this fights against only partially-designed open world areas that you may be tromping through to turn in a quest reward. You can tell they know Monster Hunter and want to get a quick version of that in but they would have needed to structure the world more like Dragon’s Dogma (several linear paths connected in thick branches) to get that result.

You’ve got melee and it’s well-animated but without lock-on it’s very difficult to know when to time your leaps out of danger. Again, there are pieces that might be used to construct a Monster-Hunter-y fighting system but it’s just a bit too loose and moves towards generosity too often.

Progression is weak; the skill tree is pretty boring and the crafting doesn’t yield interesting results, but a lot of busywork.

Interestingly they added BioWare-style quests across the map. Unfortunately they tend to be the most banal ‘help save my X who has run off’ with added moralizing possibly. It’s probably preferable to repeatable minigame activities, though. Quests have an unfortunate tendency to generate endless ‘follow the footsteps’ activities.

The world is best described as verdant post-apocalypse. It’s evident they’ve read Book of the New Sun and are trying to pull of some similar bits but the literalness of the visuals and thudding quality of the writing kills it. Most interesting has been a feint towards an imperial Roman power and its interactions with tribal religions which have sprung up in pockets. Pretty well done in concept but the writing often kills it.

They’ve been paying attention to Naughty Dog and are following Storytelling 101. There are a lot of obvious beats but it is motivating mission goals well; I cared a lot more about winning her proving ground because it meant so much to her than I would if it was just running for my life, for example. The main character is well-voiced and intentionally modern-sounding as she challenges the tribal culture.

Speaking of, there are several intentional steps to challenge AAA notions of ‘what must be done’ to sell; they aggressively front their female character’s role in a primitive, aggressive, male-dominated world and contrast the local tribe’s matriarchy with the habits of the other cultures. It’s milquetoast but novel in a game of this budget. Incidentally, the story is that the main writer left my current company because he wanted to push this direction; the Important Men at my company lacked any courage to make such rogue decisions as a lady on the box!


I’m playing it this weekend too but just for fun :stuck_out_tongue:

15ish hours in:

I like it a lot! It’s really pretty and sharp and huge. So huge. Been playing since Tuesday and I’m still in the eastern part of the world you start out in doing side quests and finding all the collectable stuff. 85% of the world map is still obscured by clouds.

I never played Monster Hunter so I don’t know it stacks up. @BustedAstromech is probably spot on in his criticisms but I can’t deny this game was basically made for me. Massive, beautiful open world with lots of “stuff” for you to “do” and a scifi-ish story. I could have been a lot further on in the main quest if I didn’t want to stop and just look at the pretty vistas every five minutes.

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Yeah, it’s definitely a step above Assassin’s Creed, Batman Arkham, Far Cry 3+, most GTA-likes. I’m working on one but that doesn’t mean I find their handholding pleasant… (the most exciting thing I heard about new Zelda is that it relies on hints instead of waypoints! Exploration, in an open-world game, what a concept!)

Or, another way, I like open-world but I need time to myself and I need to like the world; I love Witcher 3, Dragon’s Dogma, Metal Gear Solid V and of course Morrowind but those all have more trust in me and I just can’t have someone over my shoulder this much.

I really do like Ashly Burch’s line readings tho

Once you get out of the starting area the game will get a bit less hand holdy. There’s basically three or four gates before the game fully opens up. There’s the tutorial sequence with kid Aloy, there’s the Proving, then there’s the quest lines in the eastern part of the world that you have do to gain access to the rest of the world.

Like, after the Proving the game is like “now you can really go anywhere” but in practice it’s like no wait you got to do this one more thing before that’s actually true.

Also, by the by, has the one you’re working on been announced yet?


I’m an hour out of the proving grounds and it looks real similar on the other side.

It’s also stuff like the main character talking to herself all the time, the narrative beats all coming exactly with best practices, the obvious and unnatural level design. I’ll probably put another five hours in before Monday, here’s hoping.

My main driving force right now is to see the imperial city and other cultures; I don’t feel like the enemies will be sophisticated or boss-like enough to feel like they’ll meaningfully progress like I want them to, so that’s not motivating me, nor is the loot/skills side motivating me. Normally the history of the world would be a driving mystery but it’s so over-drawn these days and their tone falls just on the side of comic-booky that it’s not pushing me.

yeah, I noted it in the news thread this week…!

Oh nice, the new Mordor! I actually reinstalled the first one the other day just to see it in blazing 4K. Looking forward to that Follower system!

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The one thing really dragging SoM down (other than its entire ACesque format) is its license and the way it mandates baroque ugliness. Hoping the new one is better???

Anyway, this game looks pretty and I really, really like Ashly Burch (though I really, really hated her character in Blands 2). Will probably be a <$20 buy for me. I mean jesus, I haven’t even played Witcher 3 yet…

Since The Witcher has come up:

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It hurts how good this game is

It’s easily my favorite RPG since Morrowind, and for similar reasons. The writing is impossibly consistent across hundreds of hours of content; normally scope blandens writing but they managed to wrangle it in. Having a full world immeasurably deepens it for me next to its linear predecessors, and it’s considered enough to bring the fullest feeling of medieval life across; not just the texture and day-to-day but the gaps in knowledge filled by folklore, the relation to power, the relations between folk. It encompasses whatever the polish equivalent to Canterbury Tales and the Malleus Maleficarum and makes you understand how they could both be true.

It’s right there on my PS4, but you know. Hyper Light Drifter has taken me like two months to play through.

I watched the first two hours of a playthrough. It looks amazing graphically, but extremely hollow interactively.

This guy sums up what I had gathered from those first two hours:


Wow I didn’t even know John Carpenter played video games.

I’m still playing this myself daily. I uncovered the whole map the other night. There’s a really lush and pretty jungle area but it’s literally right next to the desert area so it’s weird and jarring. Like, the transition between the two environments is almost non-existent. But maybe that’s part of the story?! Is Aloy living in the Matrix?! Are there any REAL humans left or is everyone actually a ROBOT?!!?!?

Anyway it’s pretty fun fighting off the bigger robot animal-monsters now that I’m higher level and more skilled up. Picking off parts of the armor to hit the weak spots on the big ones while dodging hits from the smaller robots hasn’t gotten old yet.