Louisiana Chainsaw Massacre (RE7)

The setting or franchise in general? It really is a top notch experience, only very slow burn to start and becomes extremely long-winded. I’m very tolerant of its type of padding and still got fatigued in the last legs.

That said running around the station dealing with androids and the unpredictable wild AI of the xenomorph is probably the most immersive and terrifying first person experience I’ve had. Would love in VR, especially if it was fresh all over again.

the setting but I take the rec

anyway this was the second PS4 game I actually had to finish over remote play because I was getting too tense playing it normally. It turns out it’s much harder to aim outside of VR!

I may have reached this part last night. It sure was an intense (and repulsive) fight. I wasted probably way more bullets than I should have on it and another part leading up to it, but since I managed to win (after thinking that there must be a trick to it that I just wasn’t getting) I went ahead and saved my game.

I couldn’t help thinking that the character would have further dismembered the body just in case, since destroying the brain doesn’t seem to matter, but the game doesn’t let you do that.

Now that I have access to an outdoor area and there don’t seem to be any immediate threats anywhere, I think I will try exploring a little without VR, just to see how the graphics differ.

the bossfights generally make you drain most of your ammo as a rule, the game is balanced that way