Let's Play Lennus II: The Apostles of the Seals!

I second Nikita and Iris, they are who I’d pick if I were playing.

Unless you believe there is something interesting in the stock market I think it would be safe to overlook, but I don’t feel particularly strong about it one way or the other.

i support nikita cuz shes are an ultimate martial artist and thats badass

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nikita and iris seem the way to go but jenka is such a good name!

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nikita and iris because im a fucking lesbian.

i personally never understood stock market so its up 2 u

but please put pretty wemon in

Small update, I have taken the votes and I have been playing and building up for the next block of updates. I’m likely to be busy next weekend so I don’t know when I’ll be getting ready to start posting the next update, but I will let you know.


One more small update: I have the next batch of screenshots ready to go, I will be posting starting on Friday. Thank you all so much for your patience.


And now I’m going to do that thing that I said I was going to do!

Episode 27: Suit up and roll out.

Now, before I begin the process of recruiting Nikita and Iris, there’s a couple little trips I’m going to take.

First we’re going to talk to some bozos in a bar.

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I wouldn’t worry about these random doofuses who are coincidentally named after the team that brought us the fan-translation for this fine game. All their talk about Potentate Petro’s suspicious background is just the rambling of a drunk, nothing more.

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The concert hall is where we bring the flute that we’d found in the mines. By giving it to the orchestra, they will then perform the flute section of the overworld theme from Paladin’s Quest. I’d love to share that with you, but as established earlier I can no longer do that. And that makes me very sad.

While I will be making sure to pick up all the instruments for sake of completion, there is no reward at all for doing this beyond getting the full version of the original song. Its not really worth the bother, but fortunately it is only a small bother.

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And it is not bother at all to remove Yuma and Bai from our party. They have both served us well, but our future party members are going to make things so much easier for us. You will be very pleased with how strong Iris and Nikita are.

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After selling off all excess equipment to give myself a very nice warchest, we see that Cheche will net us a 25% discount on all purchases. This is how we are going to get all the equipment that we’re going to need for Nikita. The first item we purchase is a Fist of Fury, a martial arts weapon that hits an enemy group three to five times. Very powerful.

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Next we go and purchase a Warrior Ring for Nikita and a Mage Ring for Iris. This will increase Nikita’s attack power and the power of Iris’s spells, turning them into even greater beasts on the battlefield than they already were by virtue of being Nikiti and Iris. Also, it seems I somehow failed to screencap it, but I also bought a Sexy Dress for Nikita for armor and held onto a Spirit Hat to be her head gear. All told, this cost me about 50,000 Gold, but it was completely worth it.

Now all I have to do is to remove Cheche from my party and…

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…I forgot all about this. Cheche is like MeanMa from Paladin’s Quest and will not leave the party when you tell him to go. And being as there are no events that I can remember that forcibly remove members of the party in this game, there is but one way for us to be rid of Cheche.

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Step outside and let the wild life murderize him. This is very easy thanks to removing all his equipment to reduce his defense to zero. Even with just Farus and Myra, the battle is quite doable. Just don’t be careless.

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Now Cheche departs and we now have two party slots open and ready for our queen badasses to reign and rain violence and fire beams upon our enemies.

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And with that we have Iris loaded up and ready to murder our enemies in style.

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And now Nikita is armed and ready to go. Just look at that speed, that attack power, that defense. It is incredible. Nikita is one of the absolute best characters in the game, and we are barely into the main McGuffin hunt.

But of course, being a gentleman, Farus can’t just go and take the girls out to murder. We need to enjoy the culture of Gloucester.

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Now, if you wanted to you could save before buying your tickets, see the play, and then load your save and keep the 1500 G…but at this point I just want to enjoy myself and will part with the money. I’ve done enough scrounging and saving, let’s spend the money!

(This has nothing to do with the recent binging I did on the steam summer sale, no way no how)

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We go in and take our seats.

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Oh neat, we’re going to hear the official story of Potentate Petro. Good thing we’ve got our popcorn ready!

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I remember reading once that there’s an Ancient Egyptian god whose name is best pronounced as “uwu”. I feel that something similar might be going on here with our illustrious Maybeh. Or maybe no, who can say?

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We’ve already had plenty of trouble because of Granada, it’d be nice if Maybeh were to wake up from his nap and…oh, wait…we’re Maybeh, aren’t we? Well, maybe.

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…I’m sorry, say what? Kaymat? You know, the giant demon dragon monster that Chezni unleashed back in the last game? That Kaymat? Well, its just a little call back, not a big deal. Don’t worry about it.

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Ice cream started raining from the sky?

I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t have expected that!

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Warning, do not rub the Super Happy Fun Stone. Do not taunt the Super Happy Fun Stone.

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…Young Petro is looking kind of familiar there. But still, I mean, there can be more than one blonde young man who unleashes the monster Kaymat, right?

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There’s a lot of flickering here, so you’ll have to take my word for it on the scary monster that is projected onto the screen.

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From now on when my negligence gets someone killed, I’m calling it a quirk of fate.

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So far so good, nothing unusual about this very original story do not steal…

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Record needle scratch

Okay. I’m not playing dumb anymore. Petro’s life story is clearly a slightly modified version of Chezni’s story from the original game. Which carries with it only a few possibilities for how that can be. I will leave it to the thread to contemplate on that.

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This version of Kaymat is adroable. I bet if we scratched behind his ears he wouldn’t be so mean anymore. :3

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I don’t quite remember anyone really turning on us in Paladin’s Quest. We got chided a few times, but no one really turned on us when they found out about our role in releasing Kaymat. Maybe this is how Chezni/Petro felt?

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It would make for a more exciting story, I’ll give it that.

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Or if you’re a smartass you can use AttackBack to completely cheese the final boss.

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Despite Zaygos being namedropped back in the bookstore, he is completely omitted from this story. Then again, his role as main instigator has been replaced by Granada so there you go.

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Well, that as an interesting little play. And remember that line about Midia in the Castle of Illusion. It might just come back into play.

That will conclude this post. Next time, we finally get out of town and get to see the new girls in action. See you then!


Episode 28: Nikita was Kung-Fu Fighting.

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I decide to check back on the bank, and it turned out the price of Gold Angels dropped significantly so I decided to take my remaining cash and buy them up to see if I could sell them back at a profit later. I also adjust my spirits to take advantage of the growths that I’ll be able to get in the next section. With all this done, we finally leave lovely Gloucester to go northeast to Resolute.

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And we encounter some Big Bipeds, who can do multiple hits in a turn. Nikita is also a biped who can do multiple hits in a turn, and she hits way harder than them. Look at that damage, 925 points of damage! That wasn’t even with all five hits, she could actually do more. Not to mention that each individual hit has its own chance to be a critical hit

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And without hardly any trouble at all we find ourselves right outside Resolute, where absolutely nothing awkward is going to be going on whatsoever. Upon entering we go straight to the inn.

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This is not a highly suspicious conversation at all!

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A line written by a straight man.

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We check out the weapon shop just for giggles. We can get everything here back in Gloucester.

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The armor shop here is especially pitiful.

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…Yeah, this section of the game is…yeah. I’m going to skip ahead a bit; you need to rest at the inn (or in another place that will result in even more high-larity but at least its free) in order to flip everyone in town from women to men. Then you can talk to Johnji.

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I’d say this was the surest sign that this game was made back in the 90’s, but honestly have we really made all that much progress as a society?

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And so we have our mission to put an end to all this uncomfortable nonsense and get back to the parts of the game that will, at the very least, be significantly less awkward. I hope. I fear I may not have remembered some parts of the game with as much clarity as I should have.

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With this we now enter Kabal tower and just as we were warned by Johnji, the lights attract monsters. The lights move around pretty quickly and semi-eratically, so if you are not super careful and observant, you will eventually get caught by the light and have to fight. But as long as you don’t touch a light, a random encounter will not trigger.

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The second floor is a bit deceptive; you might think that these are holes in the ground that you can’t walk across until they light up, but this is not true. Despite looking like holes in the ground, you can in fact walk across them normally.

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Fortunately our first encounter is with the Human Pillars, who are very vulnerable to Iris’s wind magic, and they even drop a gold card for us that pays off very well for Farus.

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This part of the game just got 1000% better because now there are robots in this tower and blowing up robots is the best part of any game. Especially when you have a character who has really really good lightning magic for blowing them up real good.

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And here we can see that if we want to get that treasure chest down there, we need to take a different stairway. And we want that treasure chest. Because it is a treasure chest and we must open all treasure chests. Always.

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Showing off how strong Iris’s Kekun is, and the chest that we went back for is just a tunic, nothing special. At least we can sell it to save up for bigger and better armor for Farus.

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On the fourth floor we have consoles that can do stuff like make the lights bigger and move around faster. I suppose if you wanted to challenge yourself you can do that. As for me, I’m going to have Nikita punch a bird in the face until it dies. Fact of the matter is, Iris and Nikita are both so fast and powerful that they are finishing fights all on their own.

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This dungeon is an excellent place to build up our gold spirits. Especially since we can reliably control when we get encounters.

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And here is Iris casting Kekon, the Lightning-Sky spell to target all enemies on the screen. When all your enemies are robots, use Kekon!

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Always nice to get the drop on your enemies.

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Huzzah, Nikita gained a level! Not a spectacular level, but quite solid and plays to her strengths.

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Here we finally get a new piece of treasure worth equipping. The Triple Arrow is a very solid weapon for this point in the game. We could technically have bought the Multi Arrow back in Gloucester, but its not that urgent.

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This floor has no encounters on it, and it also has the all important Graffi Seed. If there’s any chest you make sure to grab, make it the Graffi Seed. The High Bottle is also really important, and make sure you equip that on Nikita.

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With that we arrive at the top of the tower, check to make sure we are healed up, and next time we will fight the boss that will interfere with our efforts to return the statue and put an end to this Ranma 1/2 curse gone mad.


Episode 29: Let us Never Speak of the Horrible Curse Again.

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This dude, Terra Foy, flies on down to stop us from returning the statue to end the curse. Why he does such a thing, I don’t know. The game gives no information or context on that or why the curse changes peoples genders around, so since we know nothing we’ll default to our usual approach and murder it.

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So first thing’s first, I decide to have Nikita cast the Grava spell; this summons that big creature you see at the bottom of the screen. Grava does not attack, but will rather block physical attacks for you. It can absorb a certain amount of damage before it dies depending on the spirits of the person casting the spell and there is no way to replenish its health. Sadly, Terra Foy almost entirely does magic attacks so Grava doesn’t do much work for us here. Fire and Air magic are both very effective, and physical attacks work good as well.

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Nikita’s Bottle spell on the other hand does get to show its worth in this fight, able to heal the entire party for 502 damage off of a single High Bottle charge. With that kind of healing, we have no trouble at all keeping ahead of the damage Terra Foy can do and just wreck him.

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Two level ups, a Dragon Horn, lots of spirits, this was a very rewarding boss fight.

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We put the statue back and I have Nikita cast Bottle out of battle, demonstrating that you can be very efficient with healing thanks to it in or out of battle.

In any event, we now walk out of the tower, skipping all encounters and meeting back up with Johnji.

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And he leaves, so now we have nothing holding us to this place so we gratefully get out.

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The wee bipeds are adorable and now I feel happy.

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In the end, it was a happy ending all around, so it was all worth it.

Next item on the list, we take our Graffi Seed and bring it to the lady in the third precinct.

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We finally get to treat the wounded soldier and will hopefully find out what happened to him.

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Gilray Zork! That’s the guy Myra wants to horrifyingly murder! Now we are extra motivated!

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…Looks like the Graffi Seed wasn’t quite the miracle cure we thought it would be.

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This little story did not have a happy ending.

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Before leaving for Cameron, I decide to check up on the bank and since I could sell my Gold Angels for a modest profit, I do so. I also use my Dragon Horn and rearrange my lineup to hopefully better protect Iris.

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And just like in the first game, we present our pass to get past a security station so we can go into a super dangerous section of the game world. Only not nearly as dangerous as you don’t go nearly as long before reaching the next town.

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And just as we are in sight of our destination, we discover that we are in fact on Australia. I would attempt to transcribe an Australian accent, but my accents are so terrible that…they are really bad and you guys deserve better.

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In any event, Nikita and Iris are able to one-shot both of our enemies before they can even blink so there is nothing to get in our way of reaching Cameron.

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I also use a Spirit Orb right outside of town to adjust my spirits, even though there is a Spirit Exchange station right inside but for some reason I remembered it being inaccessible. But we will put off laughing at my silly dumbness for next time!

Next time, sweet vengeance upon the villainous Gilray Zork, the most evil man in all of Eltz!


Episode 30: Deep Dive Into the Big Crack.

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Upon arrival in town we are greeted by this old man running up to us while the screen shakes. He tells us a huge machine has gone to a fissure in the middle of town and is destroying everything so he’d like us to destroy it in return.

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I go into the local item shop and since I’m not penny pinching nearly as much, I go ahead and buy some spirit orbs and summon taverns for later.

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This man goes on to ask if the soldier got the message out, but decides that it is already too late.

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Poor kid. Now we really need to kick Gilray Zork’s ass for all of this.

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Well we can’t get rid of all the monsters but we can do something about the earthquakes.

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And so we go down into the Big Crack, where columns of fire rise and fall and it would be a good idea for us to not walk right into them.

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It would be an amazing great idea to kill these fleshy abominations as quickly as humanly possible. Thank goodness for Nikita and Iris, able to murder these monstrosities as quickly as possible.

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Good spirits, good items, good stat gains. Killing abominations has never been so worth it.

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I suddenly can’t read the names of monsters. But I can read that Myra has leveled up her Fire and Gold spirits enough that her Momrick spell will now target an entire group of enemies at a time, making it very effective at managing more troublesome enemies

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This place has good rewards to make up for how thoroughly unpleasant all the monster designs are.

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Two points of defense is not even close to worth losing 68 points of speed.

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More fire spouts to keep in mind while fighting random encounters and gathering up more stat boosting treasures.

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And for some reason I forget to make prompt use of my Dragon Horn.

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We get a few levels, enter a new section, find a treasure, and finally use that Dragon Horn.

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I remember to use one treasure, and then forget to use the next one. I am really attentive when playing a game I really like.

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At this point I realize that Iris’s magic is strong enough that she can one-shot entire groups of enemies when she’s targeting the right elemental weakness. Also, we enter a room that has a bunch of rocks blocking our way. How will we progress?

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Answer, the drill shows up and attacks us!

At least we get to heal up before the fight.

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Mongra likes to attack by launching its central drill at us like some kind of rocket powered fist, so Nikita casting Grava can do a good job of mitigating that damage. Lightning magic is otherwise the way to go, and this miniboss is no trouble at all.

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We also discover that Mongra uses budget british science fiction technology to be bigger on the inside than the outside. Like a real jerk.

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All our enemies in here are palette swaps, so not much of interest going on there. At least they are not horrifying fusions of stone and flesh.

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After a few more fights along the way, we encounter the man, the myth, the legend himself, Gilray Zork!

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For some reason Gilray Zork puts me in mind of a bond villain. I’m not sure why though, I have never watched a James Bond movie in my life. Just brief cartoon parodies.

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Gilray Zork is pretty dang fast and opens with using his chair’s extendo arm drill things to attack us.

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Lightning and physical attacks are the way to go, and sadly Myra’s physical attacks are nowhere near to Nikita’s, so despite Gilray Zork being her enemy, she really can’t contribute too much to this fight.

Zork has a variety of physical and elemental attacks, but nothing that would risk throwing off your strategies so buff and wail and you will win.

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We get our rewards, including a level up for Myra.

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And now he is truly dead. Well Myra, how was the taste of sweet revenge?

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Myra discovers that whatever it might bring, vengeance does not bring closure.

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And so Myra leaves the party, taking all the equipment she had on her. Including the bottle I had equipped on her. Fortunately, this is not the last we will see of Myra, but it will be some time before we catch back up with her.

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Upon obtaining the Third Seal, we are ejected from the Big Crack which closes up, never to offend us with its horrible monster denizens again.

But before I start exploring the now rescued Cameron, a decision must be made. We are now down a party member, so that party member slot must be replaced. With our Summon Taverns, we can re-recruit anyone that we have already recruited, with the obvious exception of Myra.

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I present to you my options. Feel free to look back through the LP to see what I have to say about each party member and how effective their abilities are, and vote on who will take the now empty spot left behind by our wayward Myra. With Iris and Nikita in our team, our fourth party member can be anyone and we will do just fine.

Happy gaming, one and all!


Cheche lives! god bless

Well, I’ve given the thread plenty of time to save me from this fate, but it seems eskaibo will have their way; Cheche will be returning to the party in the next update. May Chezni have mercy on me.


lol oh no

i was gonna suggest zock or joad for old time’s sake, but (i forgot to post and) those might have been even more questionable choices lol

i forgot who was in our party before

It probably does not help that my upload schedule has been so inconsistent.

But like I said, Iris and Nikita are both so powerful that the fourth party member really can’t drag me down. I hope. I’ve never actually tried to make actual use of Cheche, so you’ll all have that to look forward to this Friday.

Correction, you have today to look forward to Cheche getting back in on the adventure, because yesterday I was tired as heck and completely forgot.

Episode 31: Cheche Gets His Groove Back

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We add Cheche to the party, equip him as best we can (his equipment options are notably limited), and check around town now that Cameron is no longer in danger.

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This last guy is completely wrong, we need to go north to get to Lejune. I have no idea how this guy gets it so wrong.

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The town made it through thanks to that soldier’s sacrifice. May he be remembered.

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With the Big Crack gone, we can access the local weapons and armor shops, but we can get better in Gloucester, especially with Cheche providing us with discounts. With everything done in Cameron, we move on.

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What is this talk of Dargo the Bug’s Cave? We will be finding out more about that soon enough. As far as the fight goes, we kill everything before it even has a chance to attack, so Cheche is safe to adventure with us.

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We arrive in scenic Lejune, a quiet and wealthy part of Nigel. Not the wealthiest, but still distinctly upper class, where the biggest challenge of the day is getting in line for some really nice bread.

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As long time veterans of the Lennus series, we are not the least bit surprised to learn that eggs are the secret ingredient to making houses. But where are we going to go find these House Eggs?

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And that is what that cave is for. Its entirely optional, but I’m going to show it off and get the 40 eggs so that you can see how big our fancy big house can be.

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The library here tells us exactly where we can find all the remaining seals, with the last one being back in Andel. It looks like we’re going to be visiting our old stomping grounds, assuming that there are any grounds left to stomp around on after the cataclysmic collision of the four continents.

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We also get to learn about the locations of the temples where we will be getting our next spirits. It has been a while since the last one, so this is welcome news. Now we just need to know where the Great Silver Gate is and we can make progress!

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I like that the library includes the locations of the seals that we’ve already gotten, its good attention to detail.

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A cane huh? Well, I’m sure that getting this old librarian a cane will be simple and straight forward and not at all require a long and involved chain of deals to make happen.

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I’m sure that the teacher will be able to find what they need all on their own without us having to engage in a chain of deals.

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Too bad old man, we already got your items so leaving is fine by us!

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And now we have more concrete information on the location of the Earth Temple! Huzzah!

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No worries, I bet if you went to the library and asked the librarian to…Oh. Right. The cane.

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In addition to being a delightfully tongue-in-cheek homage to the first game’s opening scene, this room also lets us know about the Haunted House in Hammond Hill, which we are going to want to visit.

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Talking to the people of Lejune can give us some very helpful information.

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Fortunately, doing an LP like this is like taking notes, so I’m way ahead of you helpful NPC!

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You see all that stuff there about this guy saying he was the potentate and Petro kicked him out? Yeah, don’t worry about it, it never comes up again.

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Our chain of deals is going to involve getting some Abel’s Bread for her.

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Ha ha ha, its funny because she’s abusing him and is being too emotional to listen! Alas, this too is part of the chain of deals so we have to get involved with this scene.

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I don’t recall that we find her boy at the Great Tree, but maybe we do. We’ll be finding that out eventually.

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Unlike with Gloucester, there is no border guard here, so we can visit Hammond Hill straight away. But we’ve got a little more to check on in Lejune.

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I didn’t screencap it, but I grabbed 500 gold off the bookshelf next to him, so I see no reason not to help a fellow thief out. In due time.

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We can also go visit Tranquil Hill.

As you can see, our options on what we can do next have opened up significantly. I will be showing what I consider to be the optimal path through all these choices. Next time, we will be visiting Hammond Hill, where a certain choice will have to be made.


can’t believe you’re going to sacrifice Cheche to the ghosts

Something tells me that Tranquil Hill is not going to live up to its name.

Episode 32: How Not To Make Terrible Life Choices>

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First thing’s first I forgot in the previous update to pick up the commuter pass in Lejune, which is the only place you can do that. Now you can use the rail line to go to any part of Nigel you want in practically no time at all. The line you see outside is the line for Abel’s bread; if you get in line, it will progress slowly until you get an announcement that all the bread is sold out. There is a trick to getting the bread, but I will save that for another update.

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You’d think the taxi man would be giving a massive markup in this place, but we still don’t need his services. The guard is a jerk but we already knew that; he’s a guard, guards are jerks. Unless they’re Terry Pratchett guards, in which case they’re pretty cool.

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The inn, item shop, and spirit station are all in one building, very convenient. This lady discourages us from the Haunted House, but we are JRPG protagonists; if we’re told not to go somewhere, that means we absolutely must go there!

But first, we visit another important location, one that we’d heard about in the previous update.

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We’d previously run into a couple kids who told us their parents worked for Duchess Goltork, and we also saw in the Lejune library that the Sixth Seal is held by one of noble birth, so this looks like a good place to check out.

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Hail comrade! Let us break free of our chains!..is what I’d like to say. Alas, Lennus II was not written by communists so we will not be revolting against the rich. We will just be revolting.

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Do you like fat jokes? I sure hope you like fat jokes, because everything to do with the duchess is one drawn out fat joke. Yay.

I did say that I liked this game, right? I do. Its sense of humor, on the other hand, can be pretty hit or miss.

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I traded absolutely nothing to get 1000 gold, clearly I am the best at capitalism and these guys should be listening to me!

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And confirmed, we need to get the Sixth Seal from the duchess.

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This guy will very helpfully outline what we need to get for entire chain of deals that we will be needing to do in order to get the Sixth Seal.

To summarize what he has to say…

*The Statue of Indra is held by an old woman in Lejune (The old woman who wants Abel’s Bread)
*Garulus in the back room of this very building has the Reverse Pendant (and he wants the Statue of Indra)
*The Eternal Ring is in the Sewer (We need to give that to the domestic abuse couple)
*Orphe’s Cane is what the abusive wife is using. (We give the cane to the librarian)
*The Kamedor Book is in the library (Get that from the librarian after giving him the cane)
*The teacher has Kamani’s Key (Give the key to the safe cracker)
*Culon’s Belt is in the safe (We’ll see what we do with that shortly)

The only part in here that is not directly obvious is the step for getting the Abel’s Bread, but since the Reverse Pendant is the only item that we don’t know what to do with, we can safely say that it will be used for that. Somehow.

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Two stat boosting items that we picked up here. This will become extra hilarious at the end of the update.

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This is just to confirm that this sad lonely little man does indeed desire the statue of Indra to complete his empty, materialistic life. Good thing that I don’t live an empty materialistic life.

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And now that we’ve talked to the duchess, we can leave.

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Despite the back talk, the ghosts here will not hurt us at all. In fact…

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By presenting the seals to the ghosts, we can get some really nice treasure!

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The Tsunami Sword is stronger, has multiple attacks, and only takes up one hand. The Triple Bow has served its purpose, but Farus is ready for an upgrade.

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The Ancient Relic can do some random good thing for you, ranging from restoring medicine in your bottles to boosting stats to who knows what else. I probably won’t use it until the end of the game.

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Iris is the only one who can equip the Sage Robe, and I’d rather her have the speed than the defense right now.

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The remaining ghosts let us know what seals they want. Alas, I have no way of knowing what the first three ghosts would say about the seals they want.

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We will come back here for the Eternal Ring to kick off our chain of deals, but we can put that off to later.

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We will be visiting that mansion in a later update, but there’s one more mansion to show off, the one that gave this update its title.

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That’s awful nice. I don’t see any reason why that should have to concern us.

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These people are under the strange impression that I am running some kind of match making service.

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Seems to me he’s already got a girl who wants him for some reason, I say he should thank his good fortune and notice her already.

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And this is the crux of this whole place; in order to get access to the treasure room, you need to put one of your female mercenaries in the front, talk to Eudenus, and have that mercenary marry him. But not just any mercenary will do. In order for the marriage to leave him as thankful as possible, you have to offer up Nikita.

Nikita is one of the best characters in the entire game. To even contemplate giving her up, the treasure would have to be absolutely incredibly amazing. According to the walkthrough that I’ve consulted to make sure I don’t miss anything, the contents of the Treasure Room are…

1 Gubo Milk
1 Purpbird Feather

And that is why we don’t treat action strippers like objects that we can just hand over to some other guy. It is both morally wrong and not remotely worth it.

Not to mention that you won’t even be able to get at the treasure room right away anyway. Eudenus can find love on his own time.

Next time, we will explore more of Hammond Hill and figure out what our next plan of action is to be.