Incredible. I might play the game more just to see this
The fact that this is the exact same scene and somehow one of our characters is right handed and the other is left handed threw me for a bit of a loop. That and how much my guy looks like an anime villain compared to a more normally attired character.
Also I found the diegetic music thing in a youtube LP, although this player walking right towards her in a straight line kind of kills the fade in/out effect (should start at 7:50, if not skip there).
Day 13: Surprise Sequel Announcement
Warning: some harshness this ep
Oh hello there, you caught me in a moment of rest after all the running and carrying from last time. What were we doing again?
That’s right, it was time to get supplies/food for the day and it is exactly as I was warned: several times locals showed up to cut ahead of me or force me back to the rear of said line.
Naturally they ran out right before they got to me. It strikes me that a bribe may have worked better than this lie but I’d rather not let this desperate mob know that I’m carrying that much on me.
I complain to helpful foreigner who helped get the doctor for the old lady and has been trying to look after me as much as he can (which isn’t very much). We decide on splitting up and asking around for food, I am sure counting on the generosity of strangers will totally go well.
I inform this pair that their food is likely poisonous (10 immoral points), but if they were to let me have it I’d check for them to make sure.
Everyone’s supposed to get the same amount? Are you the evil socialists the people on the TV have been warning me about?
Wow, what dicks, socialists are even worse than I’ve been lead to believe.
Let me see if the foreign guy and girl are having any better luck.
Sounds like she’s having a pretty normal day.
They seem pretty dumb, it’ll probably work.
What?!? I distract them, you grab the food, that’s standard operating procedure! sigh That’s what I get for not pimping you out…
Other guy’s also doing well, I should probably…
…jeez do you have an unmarked white van parked here? I ain’t getting involved.
He explains that the kid dropped his snacks and he merely picked them up and tried to hand them back to him. I probably shouldn’t… but I believe him. Everyone here is so awful that I’m not gonna believe the worst about one of the few kind people here.
After we regather and split the food we collected (so… one dirty rice ball) Danny pulls me aside and I get the lowdown on everyone in our group. Danny is an exchange student who spends all his time either studying or working in a local convenience store, the lady is an exchange student from the same country as him and the child is from his host family, who no one has been able to contact since things went to hell. Danny’s been trying to look out for both of them since they all ended up here, plus I guess helping out the doctor when he could. How this single decent human being ended up in an awful place like this I have no idea
Speaking of the formerly kidnapped doctor, he’s moving on to a different shelter with less doctors and perhaps less jerks.
I will make sure to look after myself, I’ve been telling myself this whole time I’ve got to do a better job of that. No more carrying old ladies around for miles at a time.
Naturally this child starts feeling sick the moment the doctor leaves, kids amirite?
She believes all the girl needs is some water and I am feeling a bit parched, you know after all the running and carrying people followed by not getting any supplies here.
I’m given an empty plastic bottle and told that the kid with us knows where we might be able to find some. He is of course of no use so I’m on my own.
This makeshift tent is between a few cars nearby and it sure would be easier to just grab a full bottle from here, also not sure how they haven’t been ransacked yet.
I find some water dripping onto the ground from a broken pipe now poking out of the closed school. I sure ain’t gonna drink it, but I’m sure the sick kid won’t mind. It looks… clean enough.
After drinking some of the clean enough water the girl starts to feel a bit better so I guess it wasn’t teaming with too much bacteria or anything. Still to be safe…
I try to tell guy I really wouldn’t but he is rather insistent, so I let him have the rest of it. I swear though if his kid comes down with something I don’t want to hear about it.
I think I know a way to get the food we were shorted.
This… is perfect.
Let’s just go get a refill and…
…Yes, the fact that it is a bit foggy and you can see tiny stuff moving in it is how you can tell it is miraculous.
I mean, I was a god earlier today, that’s how you know this is authentic miracle water.
Money would be nice but I’ve got a lot of it, at this particular moment food is much more valuable.
Yes it is another blessing I have bestowed upon you my child. Go and tell your friends.
I… am a god once more. If any of you have white shirts put them on now.
one water refill later
And here comes supply and demand right on schedule.
Those other items would be nice but I can’t be sure either of them would have them, I’m not omnipotent (yet). Money will have to do.
Praise the lord! Praise me!!
Hahaha, guess who won’t have to worry about sleeping outside any longer.
The mayor recognizes when a higher power is in play. Just gotta fill this back up and head for the gym I was previously shunned from.
Yes my son, I shall take pity on you and let you share in salvation.
Okay, that was worth having to go back and refill it once more.
If you don’t mind, please call me Leader. I’ve… grown accustomed to it.
Hmm, the gym is still kind of a dump, I’ll have to make sure to request nicer quarters here.
That was a test, you failed and now the miracle water will never bless you.
Could? As in might? It definitely would have, if your faith was stronger.
Of course, these various stair-related incidents aren’t hallucinations brought on by several untreated concussions, they are divine visions fitting of my station at the head of my ever growing flock.
Yes, they have me: I am hope.
I wear these gloves because I do not tolerate the filth of the rabble.
At least you recognized your error, I will consider allowing you to still witness the miracles I perform.
A seat above everyone else, truly one worthy of me.
Who wishes to approach the one true god?
Anything I want?
You heard me.
(Not gonna lie, irked that I hadn’t saved in a while before this as I’d have at least checked out the last one).
There is only one option, as I have moved beyond what I once was.
(You have no idea the amount of restraint it took to not rename this topic)
He’s right, best to mete this out gradually, keep demand high and leave them wanting more.
The title screen remaining the same is a disappointment…
…but the updated loading screen (and save file image I had issues screencapping) reflecting the new reality is a nice touch.
Heh, this filthy water elevating me back to the divine, I truly am a figure of destiny.
Oh… hey Danny, how are you doing. I, ummm… you can keep a secret, right?
…Well I guess I’ll just be leaving now, please remember to keep praying to me when I’m gone.
Well fuck.
If you would listen to me I can explain…
I watched enough cable news to understand a simple truth: when in doubt blame the foreigner.
It’s okay, I’m sure he’ll be fine.
…and then they start throwing rocks.
Well… there’s really only one thing left to do.
(hey, I noted this being a thing last time, neat. Oh right, Danny.)
You’re what’s wrong with our country after all.
Maybe… maybe you should just go back to…
(I am committed to RPing this whole game as a narcissistic prick, but holy hell is this a rough scene.)
Oh hey old lady… say you remember me carrying you for miles, right? That’s gotta be worth something…
Next time: at this point who knows, the gloves (the game’s, not mine) are clearly off now.
Haven’t read all these posts yet cuz I’m still working my way through this v-e-r-y slowly and don’t wanna spoil myself but it is very exciting…
In case you wanted to know, if you pick the ending option here, it just rolls the credits then continues the next cuscene like nothing happened lol
I would say me but I would never leave a lunch behind
Thanks for that, I was trying to work out the logistics of how to find that in a youtube vid and now I don’t have to.
I have taken… thousands of screenshots of the game so far (high 100s to low 300s per post) many of which I never post because… I mean they are way too long as-is. So many of those never posted ones are of the amazing names/descriptions they have given various NPCs.
Day 14: …Is that the Hitler stache???
Okay things got a bit away from in in that last place, but I’m sure this next place has got to be better anyways…
…Well at least there’ll be no bickering between the haves and have-nots, given that nothing is left.
If only I’d been run out of the last town just a bit quicker.
She clearly doesn’t know me.
I may never see anything this beautiful again.
Everyone here is really sad for some reason.
Well almost everyone.
Oh hey… you. How have things been going since I last saw you a day or so ago?
Pretty great actually, I was a god twice with no ill effects whatsoever no matter what anyone else may tell you.
Yeah yeah you’re still on your goody two shoes kick, I bet you don’t even make sure they pay you all they have first.
Oh thank god, I was worried she’d be here as well.
Oh yeah, the guy I didn’t actually lie to but the moral force in this universe thought I did back on day 1. I had forgotten he even existed, well surely it won’t come up.
I have no idea what all these people did wrong, I’ve found fire to be very healing so far. Did they forget to continue…
Anyways if I can just pass through this orphanage’s back garden I can get out of here and continue my journey.
You had better have a real good reason for not letting me pass through.
I said a good reason.
Okay, I need to come up with a compelling argument.
You are the worst.
This not-burnt kid interrupts to let the lady know that someone is back but that they failed to find any flowers to leave on the I assume mass grave. I sense an opportunity.
Get some flowers, get this thing over with and I can get out of here, it’s a rare win-win.
Of all people this small child is one of the rare few to not take me at my word. He has good instincts even if in this particular case they are wrong.
I can totally do that, I think. Hmm, should probably go find some flowers.
I passed a flower girl earlier, I should see if she has any spare flowers before she gets stabbed with a giant sword.
Okay there was a burnt-out convenience store by the river, let me go see if I can get to it from its rear exit.
It is sadly blocked off, however…
sigh Okay… this is gonna be a whole thing isn’t it?
Before I leave though, can I ask about the store name?
Excellent, no notes.
To save some time the door to the bar is locked, I tracked down the owner but she would only give me the key if I cheered up the barber. Even with his shop burnt to the ground what he really misses is his beloved scissors he dropped back when the quakes first hit, blah blah blah you’re damn right I charged 100k for them. Didn’t even get zinged with any immoral points, they know what’s up.
Anyways now to pass through and…
Oh shit!
Stay back!
Wait you have a picture of him now? You didn’t have one when we first met, that would have made things much easier. What the heck do you want with him anyways?
That doesn’t really help me.
Anyways he was just out there, make sure to ask him about his girlfriend.
As I watch him run off I can’t lie: it does feel good to help someone in need every so often.
Yay, not every flower was reduced to ash, time to pay the orphanage toll and continue on my way.
(I finally caught a loading screen, the new logo is still in play!)
If it’s not too much of a problem could you move just a wee bit out of the way?
Dude… your mustache…
Why are you going for the Hitler look? Ae you really that much of a douche?
…Touche, I guess.
Like… okay that guy is clearly awful even by my standards… but this place is not only a smoldering wreck, it is a smoldering wreck all the other kids burnt to death in a few days ago. Were you gonna make the other kids pitch a tent on their literal graves? Going any place else is clearly a better idea.
I see they have a mailbox out here, and I am carrying nearly 30 million… but I think the flowers were enough.
Geez, the owner of the local theater may be worse than the Adolf cosplayer. Why do people choose to be so mean and uncaring?
I mean who knows really… anyways I got to keep moving.
OMG I own even more of that dick’s company now, and I got it at even a cheaper per share price! This is so wonderful… I just gotta tell someone. Let me think who I know around here.
…I got it!
Danny! Great news!
Oh yeah, the stoning!
… … … … …
No I hear you, that time they thought I was a god was pretty swell and hey, you were there for some of it.
Gee you got the concussions too? I know what that’s like.
Jeez, you’re in bad shape and I feel like I may owe you one, I’ll tell you what…
Yeah, some miracle water.
Hahahaha, sure is officer.
Heh heh, what’s that nurse? Nah, I didn’t see anyone else in need.
Good idea.
What, I didn’t even see any water in this place >_>
Oh we are back in this place again. Probably a good place to call it a day, but I haven’t had anything to eat or drink for a while so let me just take care of that quickly first.
OMG I still had some of the miracle water on me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
have to admit that this lets read/play feels even better than being a bad guy in Bumpy Trot, and that is probably the highest of Irem/Granzella-Praise you can get
So I wasn’t in the mood to get to this today (if you are a wrestling fan you understand) so let me ask a question for anyone who has played through this game already: is either of the epilogues (the free one or the not-free one) worth digging into? I could see doing the free one as it is free, but if the game ends where it should and they don’t really offer much I’d rather not bother.
I’m a fan of all the post-game stuff. You know how the game begins with a Christmas theme even though none of the story takes place that time of year, just because you apparently can’t have a Disaster Report game without some mention of Christmas? Well, that’s one of the things remedied by the epilogue.
Also, just to reiterate, be sure to follow both ending paths. They are both wild and drastically different.
So what you are saying is… I have to bump this thread in December? Got it.
Day 15: Finally… the option I’ve been waiting for
Place your guesses
Well here I am back at the intersection/park where this whole journey started off… again. Technically speaking I think it has only been a day since I left, let’s see how things have been going since I left.
I feel you on this, if I’ve learned anything over the course of this ordeal it is that everyone except for me is the worst.
Here is the place that was going to hold job interviews but ended up working as a shelter for all the students who got stranded here, who for the most part are now notably absent. I wonder what gives?
Reading between the lines, now that people can move around a bit more freely business must resume and hence can’t have people just lying around all over the place. The disaster did some damage but thankfully capitalism is healing.
Looks like they finally blocked off this tunnel so I can’t go back that way. Maybe my journey is nearing its end, unless… oh god no!
Phew, the road to the city square with all the angry pyramid scheme cultists is once again blocked off. This does raise the question as to if I am now a bit stuck here as I can’t return the way I came.
I love that these two are still arguing about their now utterly pulverized vehicles but it once again reveals that I could have just stayed here and been perfectly fine. Granted I wouldn’t be rich or have these sexy ass glasses though.
This sad old guy with the great vibes is still sitting in the park worried about getting found out by his family. He is still one of the very few people I’ve met during this journey that I like, so I help him out a bit.
Lying to your loved ones is clearly the way to solve all of your issues, I don’t get why everyone doesn’t do so.
No I didn’t, his vibes are still impeccable.
Oh no, not you again.
The second you left my life I became rich, think about that for a sec.
She seems to be helping a relief effort to get people out of the city via the airport. Before I can marvel at her somehow having good news for me, she asks if I can aid her in distributing these tickets.
So I now have some very desirable tickets out of here, and if I distribute them I can get one of my own. She seems to just be handing them out to anyone who walks up to her, which is certainly one way of doing it.
I have a better system though.
Naturally some people were unwilling to pay such an amount for a ticket, but that is fine. It’s not about how the first five people feel…
…But finding the right five people.
repeat until finished, with no immoral points gained
Great now… wait a sec, two tickets?? Oh no, you don’t mean…
Oh thank god you had me scared for a second there. Sure let’s meet up there, or perhaps never again would work too.
I have no idea where that is, but sure as long as it isn’t here with you.
Hmm, people seem to have strong feelings about this tickets/airport plan.
It appears I have to make a choice between going to the airport and possibly having to fly away with this annoying lady, or going to a supposedly well-stocked shelter in the city center where she definitely won’t be heading.
Decisions, decisions…
I hate to say it but if I have to tolerate her existence for just a bit longer to escape this place, then so be it.
Still, why do I feel like I may have made the biggest mistake in my life?
Remarkably that tunnel has become unblocked once more and apparently is in the direction of the airport or car or whatever it is I am supposed to be heading towards (I do my best to never listen to what she says), so I guess it is time to crawl back this way.
I remember this place, that building fell on me and I was only saved by the fact that gravity was on the fritz for a bit, good times. Wait, if that is there…
…then this convenience store is here, and I can already start to make out a couple… familiar faces.
Great, at least one of those high school girls lived.
At least this guy is still running the store and not that jerk who keeps price gouging me. I’m the gouger, not the gougee!
Oh great, the other two girls are still around too. I was hoping they’d have killed each other or themselves by now…
…Oh. Well I guess I’m just in time for it. Well if everyone has run off to see what’s going on…
Dang it, the register is locked. Well may as well see if anything else valuable is here while everyone is distracted.
Wait I saw two of the three girls and they were still wearing their uniforms, and I don’t think the third girl had a change of clothes, so where did this come from?
…Okay, I guess I’ll have to deal with this.
I’d say they need to choose their words a bit more carefully, but I think they know exactly what they are doing.
Hmm… I think she could survive that. At least she picked the highest remaining floor.
I mean, it hasn’t collapsed any more since that first day and the aftershocks have died down, it’d take remarkably awful luck to start collapsing again now.
Well she seems to have made up her mind so…
Oh no, a poorly timed aftershock has knocked her off balance and let me look up her skirt. Again, not into minors and these three are literally the worst.
Oh good the teacher is off to handle this, I was worried I might have to do something.
Well best of luck everyone! Send me a postcard someday to let me know what happens…
I mean can’t you do anything to get me through? No? So I’m stuck here until… no, I gotcha.
I mean on the bright side, the odds of having the same building collapse on top of me on two different occasions has got to be miniscule.
Good ol’ slanty building. Well I guess I better go find them.
Why hello teacher~ I have to say for perhaps the first time it is very good to see you…
Oh, right, dangling girl.
I mean, you never struck me as the brightest but you surely have got to realize that they’re all awful, right? It won’t be a great loss.
The rare 100% accurate option.
Don’t thank me, I’m just doing this because I’m annoyed and want this to end.
…And help this end I will.
Oh no, how sad…
Long live the king.
Teacher’s grip is better than I expected.
The most frustrating moment in my life being right now, being forced to pull her up.
Well I hope you’re all happy now.
Oh thank god yes! I’ve been begging for this option for ages now.
That… felt… wonderful. I don’t think anything could ruin this moment.
Again this building has been holding steady for days now and the odds of it falling on me a second time has got to be…
building starts shaking
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Oh no, a loading screen right before I reach the ladder, that can’t be good.
Man someone shoved me in the back right before the white out, when I find them they’ll be sorry…
What, it was her wasn’t it. Pushing me out the window at the last moment, I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind…
Cool, 15 free moral points.
Oh you found her, good. Based on everything I’ve seen so far things collapsing on people is just a bit of an inconvenience.
I can’t believe I thought you looked cute once.
God you even cry annoyingly.
On the bright side, free pen. I think she was rambling about this rather than deal with you three and your bullying and crying; that sorta blew up in her face a bit, didn’t it.
…Well I think you three got this, ciao!
Oh good the path is open now, I was worried I’d have to stick around.
Next time: Hopefully I get to slap more people!
Day 16: Let’s blow this popsicle stand.
trigger warning: implied sexual assault
Back here and this building is still torched, but the road is cleared out so baby steps.
They finally got that car out of the window, maybe they’ll sell me one and I can speed run the rest of this trek.
I legit have no idea who that is, I want a car.
Again, I have no idea who this is.
Good, fuck that guy.
Wait…anti-gravity girl who couldn’t figure out how to leave a building! I don’t really care what she wanted to say, but since I’ve got the note already…
Yes, I am aware of this.
Wait, you mean the murder scene?
Well you’re dead.
All the roads are closed again, wonder what else I could do around here.
Oh yeah, my favorite soon to be out of business Italian restaurant.
The fact that all of you keep coming in every day despite not being open and all the overall devastation around you is why this place is bleeding money.
Well… I guess I should see exactly how murdered she is.
Well that’s not a great sign. On the bright side she’s at least not murdered yet?
Hmm the door is locked so best of luck, I’m pulling for ya.
The road is still blocked…
…but the restaurant is now open, maybe I can find out more about the whole odd funding backstory here now.
I agree, it was more interesting when it was underwater in two ways as opposed to just one.
Well the crazy jewel murder lady isn’t still back here, that’s good at least. I guess I should probably get around to checking out on how anti-grav lady is doing.
(Behind the door the lady is in a corner with bruises all over her body, ripped skirt and top, black eye. I don’t think you need the screenshots of it.)
Maybe I should have come here a bit quicker.
Always choose violence, but especially in this case. There are lines.
Guess I can leave now.
(FWIW I went back and reloaded the save to see if hurrying would have made a difference, it did not.)
Well that was depressing, let’s try and turn things around a bit.
Oooooooooh yeah.
Let’s just rip that bandaid off.
If you see three high school girls it is their fault, you know what you must do.
Jeez, any more loose ends around here?
Oh hey, look at you sneaking up right behind me. I see you still have your precious jewels, so no need to…
Well how about that, you help someone with their committing murder wounds and sometimes that kindness comes back around to you.
I will, you keep being you I guess, based on everything I’ve seen the cops will never find you.
Oh you are just gonna keep following me now. Huh. Well I do have an extra ticket and it is good to have someone willing to draw blood on one’s side, maybe this’ll work.
How convenient!
I have no idea what these choices mean.
Thank god for the extra info option, so airport or city center. I’m gonna stick with the airport, so I guess hop on crazy lady and…
Oh, you vanished. Kinda creepy, but thanks for the murder ring!
30 more seconds of riding
Already to the rest stop, kinda don’t know that I’ve ever actually needed the motorcycles or scooters when things have always ended up being within walking distance.
Hey, that’s my pick-up line, jerk.
Great, you weren’t lying about waiting for me here.
So just us again, what I’ve always wanted.
After that she grabs my arm and pulls me to the side to point something out to me.
I remember him, but she has no way of knowing that. I’m pretty sure by “the enemy of my enemy” rules he’s technically my ally.
Yeah, if that happened with any luck I could have been rid of both of you.
The last thing I want to do is interfere with that guy, so don’t worry I’m gonna keep out of his way.
Anyways I’m gonna call it here as A): this has gone on long enough and I still have a good amount of images left to get to, and B): cards on the table this leads to the ending and I want my final normal update (aside from maybe the epilogues or checking out the other ending) to be a bit more joyous/celebratory and the jewelry store girl scene/having to RP a jerk around it to some degree bummed me out a bit and I think we could all use a quick break.
So next time: the explosive finale~
Up until now, i don’t remember exactly how i got to where you are now, but for sure that creepy Diamond Lady wasn’t hanging around anymore, so i am really surprised what the game lets you get away with (while seeming to shuffle one pretty much along in the same vein if you don’t go for the ‘bail asap’ options)
really surprised here and - honestly - thanks for following through with the badest of bad guys options, i couldn’t do so in a lot of cases even if one would like to know if the game doubles down on the player wanting to be a prick.
Played a bit of this the other day and found it pretty amusing. Lots of silliness. My favorite was discoveringa Brooding Woman in the dark of the third floor designer clothing store, who when talked to gets an exclusive music stinger of sad piano music while she sighs and says why go on? Hilarious.
I do not know what form this game will take, and right now I’m reading the high number of cutscenes and stupid prompts for my character to reflect (“I was… [13 options] which made me think… [19 options, four goofy, 15 different moral alignments]”) as early stage setting and tutorializing. I hope I’m right because the more moments like these the game throws at me the more tedious it feels.
I’ve only reached the area after the first chapter though.
Day 17: You are even dumber than I expected
The thrilling finale~
So when we left off we were at the rest stop where the truck was going to take us to the airport, annoying lady was there and pointed out the guy who really hates her boyfriend for some reason (probably because he is also annoying). I decided to see who else is hanging around and I gotta be honest, if your job title is underling you maybe need to start looking around for a new one.
I can literally see the airport on the other side of the bridge, I’m sure I’ll be fine.
And we are off. I have to admit, it is good to finally be on the clear home stretch out of this place. Just gotta cross this bridge and…
…Why are we no longer crossing this bridge?
…Excuse me, what?
We… literally just left. I can see the rest stop from here.
You see, even she realizes this is ridiculous and she’s a moron!
I mean… may as well I guess?
stares out at the couple thousand feet traveled so far
Well parking in the middle of the bridge for a break and letting everyone get out to walk around certainly is one way of doing that.
Hello guy I have never seen before, I just want you to remember that I helped you out before and that that guy’s annoying girlfriend is sitting with us, just FYI.
I don’t know why I even checked in with you, at least the airport is clearly nearby.
…It’s odd that no one I sold tickets to are here, right?
What an utterly baffling scene.
Thankfully we didn’t have to take a second break during our bridge crossing. If an aftershock struck and sunk us we’d have deserved it.
We may have hired the worst driver in history.
I cannot overstate how little I care, just get me out of here.
I wanna be the first one out of this hellhole!
Pfft, fine.
Now I have had several concussions, but don’t planes generally…
Yeah, I kinda thought so but… why?
Yeah I have to admit this all sounds kinda weird.
I hate you soooooo much, this is why I try to never listen to you.
Wait, annoying lady’s boyfriend?
You stupid idiot, you got me Sound of Freedom’d! How are you even dumber than even I expected!?!?!
Your fiance is running a human trafficking ring and not only were you unaware, he’s gonna sell you into slavery as well. You deserve it too, moron!
(You’re not off the hook either, you could have mentioned this at some point)
You?!? I gave you my seat on the bus, surely that’s gotta count for something?
BTW annoying lady you were the one handing out the tickets so you can’t even be a useful dupe well, the poor turnout while probably a good thing is on your head as well!
Thank god, they finally left.
I have no idea why they put is in a room with a hole in the wall near the floor but given that none of the other captives seem to notice… basically everyone is dumb.
I guess this’ll be another slow crawling stealth deal.
Let me quickly duck into this room on the right to see if anyone might be patrolling nearby, wonder if anything is in here…
Utterly hilarious, no notes.
Hey guys, it’s been fun traveling with y’all but I think it’s time to head out on my own, hope slavery treats you well.
…except for you, you deserve all of this and worse.
Neat they didn’t check my wallet or backpack, these kidnappers really aren’t that bright at all.
Why hello there.
Yeah I’d really love to kill everyone on board, but not if it means dying myself. I have no idea where I’m gonna find any kind of useful detonator though…
Out of nowhere the bomb squad emerges to make a run at the stupidity crown. I wish I had time to ponder the meetings that lead to them deciding this was a poster they needed to make, but I gotta gather some materials.
Across from the dynamite is some red & blue cords/wires, I pray I don’t have to keep track of which one is safe to cut.
Let me climb up to the next floor and…
You should really pack your circuit boards better than that, you’re gonna damage them.
Well I gotta climb up to the main floor and unless they are also smuggling clocks I don’t know where I’m gonna find one of those on a ship, particularly one likely teeming with armed goons.
Oh there is one laying on the ground right next to the ladder, how convenient. Lazy too, but definitely convenient.
Hmm, should I free those people still tied up in the hold?
…Nah, they all listened to her and need to answer for their poor decision making.
Oh you all got free just as that loud siren started blaring, how… fortunate, I was just about to head over and tell you about the tape holder.
Wait… why is there a siren blaring, no one saw me set the detonator, if they did surely they would have stopped me?
…Oh right, I should probably run.
Well that was close.
Oh you all made it to, great. What about all the guys with the guns?
Neat, just neat.
Hmm, he seems angry. I guess there’s just one thing left to do.
See you space cowboy.
I mean you saw my finger gun, did you forget that I am a god?
…Oh right, he had a gun. Did you guys seriously not frisk anyone?
Wow, I’m glad I never pissed you off.
several riot squad officers emerge as well
So human trafficking definitely wasn’t just baseless conspiracy talk, Q: 1, liberal media: 0.
I need to find an officer before we leave so I can let them know this lady was working with the traffickers.
Hold on a moment.
I wish nothing but the worst for all of them.
~post-credits bit~
Gotta look out for number 1 and if some eggs get broken along the way, so be it.
Fun fact: there seems to be no payoff whatsoever with the moral/immoral points as it’s never even mentioned during the ending/aftermath, here is a screenshot I took after setting the detonator. My final score was 219 Moral points, 1,086 Immoral points. I’m feeling pretty proud, not gonna lie.
Next time: the path not taken~.