java is what every standard introductory CS class teaches now, it’s gonna be weird going back to public static void main() type shit but that’s still way less language cruft than what i’m dealing with now. swing sucks and using applications made with it is consistently universally shitty but i mean i’m fine/comfortable with its paradigm

my data structures and algorithms class still uses java which is just one of many stupid things about it

it teaches practical skills like doing arbitrary h-sorts by hand on paper with no reference material or memorizing the names of algorithms no one uses~

meanwhile lambda expressions and tuples and array maps and, you know, anything i didn’t learn before high school are things i have to teach myself???

my upper division simulations class at least introduced bayesian maps at one point in the midst of flowcharting algebra problems, maybe by the end of the semester we’ll be ~advanced~ enough for netlogo -_-

i’m starting to realize that i taught myself almost all of what’s going to be my undergrad CS education by 13, right in time for puberty to hit and make me too depressed and dysphoric to do anything with it. thinking about how different things could’ve gone messes me up pretty bad. my major was such a mistake for so many reasons but here we are

ok that’s still stupid but at least the compiler is real and not fake. also if i didn’t have to avoid touching class libraries directly then this wouldn’t be an issue but… lol

basically i feel competent enough to try rolling my own codebase at this point having studied MV’s architecture and if i’m going to go to the effort to do that it’ll be in a saner engine. plus i’ll need to know unity next semester anyway and i have no expectation of that professor doing a good job of teaching it (he already confided in me that he expects it to go terribly lol) so i’m going to pretend that’s an opportunity and not just depressing

javascript is just a million layers of a language trying to work around itself, building up since the 90s like stratigraphic sediment. the ability to share memory between threads instead of parsing and sending strings around got official browser support last month, with only rudimentary atomic operations and next to no functionality for abstracting memory addresses and i was thinking about refactoring rpg maker to use it until i remembered that i am going to die someday