typescript thinks that member functions implemented outside of a class definition shouldn’t be able to access protected variables

one of my files doubled in loc with almost no functionality added, i did root out some bugs but almost all the type and scope errors were overzealous and a stupid amount of work to dance around. i’m starting to think intellisense is one of the best programming tools to come out in the last decade but hoo boy typescript isn’t!!

i just wrote this

and i don’t think i can stomach any more of this fake-ass compiler or javascript’s anything, honest to fuck

getting back into coding through this project was maybe a mistake, i’ve learned more than anything my classes have taught me and i have confidence in myself that i’ve never had before but i’ve also eaten from the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, i can’t go back now, i want to take everything i’ve learned about functional programming and data composition in the last month and use it in a language that isn’t a garbage heap, lord help me i’m thinking of jumping ship to C# and unity like Everyone Else and unlike when i started this game i think i could actually pull it off

last night a rediscovered-friend – one of the smartest and nicest people i know – wanted to join my eventual thesis project as a direct result of this game. so much good has come out of the towerfucker and here i am thinking about scrapping when the initial and only goal was to actually fucking finish a game, in rpg maker, , ,

there are a lot of reasons to feel good about myself/life right now but depression means i keep excavating the bad from the good… the artist on my game dev team posted this today!

people are taking my dumb dorky ideas and running with them~ look at that lil goblin archaeologist! look at that water elemental who seems like he’s trying to sneak up but is just real shy! look at these map sprites!
so mischevious! so stubby! i love him and his terrible fashion sense to death

but most of the time when i think about the project it’s about how i’m not doing enough, how ugly the team dynamic is gonna get closer to the deadline, how only half the members make significant contributions and how i can’t seem to do anything about that,

or i think about my tabletop game and get sad that i’ll never finish crossing the wasteland to publishing, or i think about the offer i got to help develop the curriculum for a class and how the professor might never get back to me, or i think about my thesis project and how it’s a dinky tool for programmers that’ll probably be outclassed long before it’s done while my roommate is starting on a project that could feasibly change US electrical grid infrastructure, dude built a unique functioning prosthetic foot for one of his classes, what the fuck am i doing wrong that i’m not accomplishing stuff like that, etc etc etc

idk, i sit around at work all day wanting to go home and reading about tuples and lamba expressions and shit to have something to do, blasting headphones whenever the new cishet white coworker has a shift and starts making sexist jokes, my classes teach me almost nothing, i feel like i have more opportunities here than i ever will again and i keep wasting them doing nothing

seems like if i stop working on this game i’ll feel terrible and if keep working on it i’ll keep feeling terrible

idk i’m nervous this post is privileged-sounding or humble-braggish and that cancel button is eyeing me but uh idk im just, gonna sleep now, i need my brain to stop