La vie en vert (GAME BOY thread)

I started Final Fantasy Legend II and it is going great. The team mostly reused the system from the first game and focused on tightening everything up. So far, that has led to a more polished experience which makes things more bearable but also less surprising. Still, it is very charming.

There is a new class that can be chosen, the robot. It’s quirk is that it halves the uses of any equipment added to it, but every weapon added gives it extra power. All the other classes have little tweaks as well. I decided to start the game with one character of each class.

My band of adventurers appear to all come from the same school rather than some guild. When I prepared to leave town, each member of my party had family or friends they could say goodbye to. The teacher joined up with me, and for the first stretch between towns, he stayed on my team and wrecked every group of monsters we encountered. I wonder if the Dragon Quest V team took notes.

In the town we arrived at, there was a cafe where adventurers typically go to ask about the general direction that other towns can be found in. This cafe had a jukebox and the selection here is truly amazing.

It’s been a tightly paced shonen anime so far. I can’t wait to tune into another episode.