La vie en vert (GAME BOY thread)

Go! Go! Tank is a fun little action puzzle game, the kind of which the GB seems to excel.

You control an airplane with a kind of hook connected to it. Your goal is to pick up blocks and drop them back to earth in order to create a path for your tank on the ground.

Your plane is constantly gaining altitude so you are frequently tapping down on the d-pad to control the ark of descent/ascent to pick up/drop a block. This sounds incredibly boring but it works somehow.

The only power-up I have discovered is actually a nerf because it simply attaches a second plane with a hook to your airplane with a hook meaning that control becomes impossible. I spent a good hour with it this morning and made it to stage 3!

The JP box art is cute in a sort of Robin Williams Toys kind of way:


The US version is Operation Desert Storm:


Go! Go! Tank!