Maru’s Mission
It’s a Jaleco game and so an automatic must play.
I love how each of the characters in the intro have completely different proportions. The long, slender arms on Cori are really something.
This part had me hootin’ and hollerin’. I couldn’t connect Romania with anything when this came up and it seemed like a total non sequitur.
This is the screen you get if I fall down an endless pit. However, the game doesn’t restart as it does when I usually die. It seems like there’s no punishment for seeing hell.
I jump through the stages and shoot my shuriken. I jump surprisingly high. When most of the enemies die, their souls float on screen and I can absorb them to heal myself. Some enemies drop power-ups instead and these are really fun to use. One powerup is a bag of bomb; another is a wall of lightning; my favorite carries me to the end of the level.
While traveling to Romania, sharks attack me and I have to harpoon them multiple times. The harpoons stick out of them at multiple angles. This is bullfighting in the Atlantic.
This world is so beautiful.
Cerberus is incredibly cute here.
The writing is strong.
I waited on this screen for a long time. Eventually, the sun starts to set. Then I walked off screen with Cori. The sun sinks further and the screen gets darker. Even the turtle swims away eventually. I guess I’m the only one who does not want this game to end.