I jumped into Noobow for a bit! I think I’ll add some to what you’ve said later once I’ve seen the whole thing. I started playing Great Greed, an environmentalist RPG from Nacmo.
The characters and locales all have food related names. The first person I meet is a magician named Microwave. She takes me to the Kingdom of Greene where Princess Candy awaits with her dog, Calorie. After the castle is attacked, I really start exploring and wind up in a town called Shishkaburg. In this town, there’s an election between Crabby and Cabbage Head.
Everyone in this town seems to love Crabby. I hear things like “I like Crabby.” “He is so rich and handsome. Of course, he’s Crabby!.” “If Crabby wins, good things will happen.” There is a billboard that shows Crabby ahead by sixty points. I get recruited for Cabbage Head’s election campaign and we learn that Crabby is manipulating the election. My first true mission is to expose this fraud.
To do so, I go on a bit of a wild goose chase. I hear that there is some scientist who studies family trees and lives in the forest. I suppose family trees are literal in this game. When I meet him, he tells me that he collects records from a pop star named Lola Leftover, but he is missing her debut. I leave the forest and head straight for the record factory. The factory itself has giant rotating vinyl. To my surprise, I find Lola in a backroom. She has exited the public eye, but still sings. She sings me a beautiful song and I learn the deets on Crabby. This is a great game.
The combat is not menu driven. Instead, all commands are given with single button inputs. for attack,
for dodge,
for magic. It’s really snappy and a great example of a single-member RPG.