Videogame conventions in the Midwest are either a) serious business like Combo Breaker (or the crazy Smash scene here) or b) stuff like the Midwest Gaming Classic which is like flea market retro game oddity + hangout time. It’s neat and cool, but I’m interested in seeing stuff on the coasts. Anyways, this is the convetion thread. I’m interested in knowing things about the conventions near you and whatnot. Full disclosure, I’ve been interested in going to MAGFest to show off videogames for like a couple years now. I have a game I think is kinda cool now, so, maaaybe we’ll see if I can get in for January.
Th…this thread…! it was m-made for me!!
I’m here in Minneapolis at 2DCon showing off The Moon Fields. I’m getting pretty good reception, and people come back for long play sessions. I’ve had people log an hour, bring friends, and come back for another hour.
I’m back at home now. I feel like there’s a lot of con folks that are still there up all night playing Mega Man Power Battle and that FZeroAX cab I saw. I am pretty tired, and I got two more days of this. That’s all I got.
I thought this thread was made for me…and then I didn’t fuckin post in it. Sorry for being a rube Anothergod.
Hey Anothergod: I’m sorry the website I was a part of is full of dipshits and wont stream your game. I’ll stream your game.
Here’s what I learned about conventions this year, the first year I did it as a fan: I let a bunch of dipshits ruin the entire experience.
Also, as a fan it’s a lot harder to justify taking pictures of cosplayers. I don’t like doing it! I like talking to people a lot more as a fan at a convention. It seems way easier. But the other thing is, people wanted to talk to me more and were friendlier when I had my media badge.
A lot of artists in artist alley would perk right up when I came wearing my media badge. Mostly now they just wanted me to buy their shit and leave. This year I don’t remember the name of a single person who was there hawking their comic book or anything. I bet working a con is stressful, so next time I’d like to have a booth.
I feel like everyone at cons has an agenda. My agenda is for everyone to like me. So. I’ll prob have more to say after tomorrow
Everyone does. Everyone! I sure do. Look at my website!
I’m bringing this thread back as a catch-all for conventions, festivals, etc we go to. I one day aspire to merge all out Magfest and Pax and whatnot threads into just this one.
PAX East 2020
A bunch of friends really wanted me to go to Pax East this year, so I went for just Saturday.
I kinda stopped going to this con after PA got increasingly more problematic and the con itself got steadily less interesting. But, I wanted to hang out with this group of friends more, so I went - I’m glad I did, hanging out and playing board games was fun.
A few things:
Windjammers 2 RULES. I had a very fun set of games just jamming the fuck out with a few people at the Dotemu booth. Very pleased by the way it plays.
Fort Triumph was a very fun XCom-like fantasy game. I loved what little I played of it, AND I got these dope socks:
Gearbox wasn’t showing any Homeworld or Risk of Rain 2 stuff, which,
FFXIV booth was actually pretty fun. I did a “beginners quest” where they pair you up with three other randos, and once you beat it they give you a free month of Stormbringers.
FFXIV booth shenanigans (posted em over in the FF thread)
Some more little stories:
The XSeed booth had this thing where you could take a photo against a green screen and choose an enemy to fight in this Granblue fighting game background. I selected this most harmless-looking little girl, then tried to do a leaping attack:
I kicked her ass of course.
Here’s some pics of my Casey Jones costume. Went well.
Just a heads up that I’ll be at PAX East on Saturday.
I’ve also got a Sunday badge I’m looking to get rid of, so, lemme know if anyone’s interested. (Claimed)
Gonna be at Magfest this week, lemme know if any of y’all’re going too and we’ll sync up!
This is not a far drive, I’m not like “attending” the actual con but we should set up a lunch or something, I’m broadly free during business hours
@Father.Torque have you ever been?
It’s mecca for lovers of “Music and Games.”
But if you would rather hang out and absorb the vibes of National Harbor proper I understand.
(I do not want to spend my few dollars bringing my gamer spouse and gamer children (who would love it) but who knows? Perhaps I’ll choose to hum EDM remixes of my fav vidcon tunes in prison… debtors’ prison)
National Harbor is post-apocalyptic is one reason I never go. Also I’m just not a big fan of cons, really. I guess it could be something for the children to do for a few hours but probably the tickets are not worth it for that short span of time.
I just want to see sbutts.
Magfest after midnight is definitely the place you want to be if you want to see butts though. Everyone starts getting drunk and the clothes start coming off.
Heads up that I will be at Magfest as usual this year, we will have a room full of booze but you neednt drink to enjoy our company lmk if any of you happen to be going as well
This year, since I live a bit farther way now, I decided to get a hotel room for once and see what that experience was like. But also, i didn’t get a hotel room in the lottery and was not aware of every other chance in time to get one later on. I luckily had reserved a hotel in Alexandria in advance as a backup, which is a 10 minute drive, but that still doesn’t allow the serendipity of dipping and out of the con floor when needed. Especially since I also have my brother’s in town this year and I don’t think they’d really want to stay out as long into the night as I typically like to.
I also googled some of the musical acts this year and no one has really jumped out at me. Might be an off year for Mag for me this year.
If you’re going this year, the must-sees for sure would be Protomen and Mega Ran. The Protomen in particular are absolutely spectacular, every time I’ve seen them.
I’ll make a note to DM you our party room number once I know, so you’ll have it on hand when you’re at the con. It usually has one of us present at all times, is full of booze, and is a good place to recharge.
janus rose will be playing a hardware (modular) set and i’ve always liked her stuff!
yeah janus rules go see her
How long in advance do you need to get in line for popular acts like them?
Also yeah, I’ll try to stop buy. It was nice chatting with you in the past!