it's yume nikki's thirteenth anniversary this month

the steam page interests me more than the screenshots actually do, ig

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this is
 underwhelming so far. it’s not like there weren’t already janky fan 3d-makes floating around. but idk

i’d be interested in hearing what kikiyama thinks about anything honestly. are there any interviews with them out there that we know aren’t fake?

also, uh, this wiki has a thousand pages lol

i lurked on uboachan a very very long time ago but the only fan-project that ever held my interest was a midi ost preview for a game that never got off the ground. not sure the zip even exists online anymore but i probably have a copy floating around somewhere and i have some of their other music since then
 oh i just looked up the artist for the first time in a couple years and she’s transitioned lol shocking


i hope they keep the famicom world

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Zykov Eddy also made this, which feels like it operates in a similar emotional and abstract place to Yume Nikki, if it was a 90s VR movie set.


The new remake is out
 It looks kind of bad. Has anyone played it?

I just played Electric Highways. I liked it. And it made me want to play Bernband again, so I did.

I’d also be curious to hear impressions of that new Yume Nikki game.

I’ve mostly seen complaints about vision-cone stealth.

i’m so conflicted about the yume nikki remake, from what i’ve seen it looks like a screen by screen conversion to 3d that is not going to work too well and at the same time a huge missed opportunity to make something cool and actually 3d.

like i don’t see the need to make the world of yume nikki less abstract than it is and put in high res textures and detailed 3d models, especially if you’re going to preserve landmarks and stuff as-is instead of reinterpreting them into a different aesthetic language.

for example, that part when you enter a bed of white flowers and the exit behind you changes totally works in 2d because walking in a straight horizontal line is part of the accepted vocabulary and it feels natural but in 3d it feels forced and janky and one could easily imagine the scene being done differently.

overall things look more like props in an environment and less like mystical inscrutable entities.

of course all of this is pessimistic extrapolation from 20 seconds of video and i’ll probably end up playing it anyway.

the ‘official’ presence of kikiyama in it intrigues me and some of the places and things that appear in the trailer look interesting. i guess there’s still room for some element of surprise in it.

by the way i didn’t know about electric highways and it looks like something i could get obsessed about, i’m totally going to check it out.


i’ll play through the whole game if it ends with kikiyama telling the player how they’ve been doing lately


watched a bunch of playthroughs of it

if you wanted limbo/inside and a heavier focus on puzzle mechanics, it works

if you wanted yume nikki’s weird exploration, it doesn’t

it’s also very condensed compared to the original game; no more aimlessness, everything’s more understandable, for better or worse

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Huh, the decade+ remake of a gloriously distinctive piece of art has none of its earlier magic. I sure thought I was gonna get to feel like a teenager again this time

Actually there’s a fun story here - Now if you’ve been following Yume Nikki for a while you know that Kikiyama already MADE their big comeback, years ago. There was a marketing campaign making a big deal about OFFICIAL NEW YN and then you know what it turned out to be? Some phonegame shit and, like, keychains. The cashed in swag of quietude.

At that point the whole bleak situation became horribly clear - Kikiyama did the whole thing by accident, ran out of good ideas in 2008, and wisely left it as it was until such time had passed that they could exploit their artiste reputation and sign off on cheap baubles.

I’m not at all disrespecting Kikiyama for doing that. I love Yume Nikki. But what sort of fool-me-twice Loot Crate brain would be taken in by “new” “entries” to the franchise, the Yume Nikki Franchise. Christ!

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huh. more emphasis on puzzles/interactivity is something i always thought could be worked into yume nikki somehow. like trying to interact with the logic or lack thereof of such a strange world sounds really interesting.

but yeah no weird exploration/aimlessness sounds bad. i think a big part of the charm of yume nikki is the total lack of clarity/signposting about what’s “important”. there’s a sense of otherness and an order to things that the player’s not quite allowed to understand in a rational way and can only experience through emotion and abstract meaning and creating their own mythology and that’s hella cool in a way you’ll never see from the “satisfaction through mastery” school of game design or whatever.

kinda sad that it turned out like this but 2% of me still wants to check it out maybe


Yeah i dunno, i hate to be that guy but i was never that excited for this, just because of how much of Y-N’s appeal is inextricable from being a “lo-fi” experimental RPG Maker game. It would have been much better if this was more LSD and less Inside, but it still wouldn’t have been very Yume-Nikki.


mildly alarmed i have no memory of this thread


probably a good sign if anything, considering the mental vibe of the game

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