it's more fun to emulate

i mean,

for e.g. SNES/Genesis, yeah. point taken

but to be fair if you want better than “good-enough” N64 emulation in 2023 you have to do utterly idiotic shit. i spent a few hours trying to set up a up-to-date mupen64plus build (i need to create a proper setup to provide to potential emulator runners in a speedrun game i moderate) with the best plugins and appropriate audio buffering and it’s just… an absolute mess. truly disgusting.

the last stable release is from 2019. the nightly builds seem to be almost completely undocumented while also having apparently broken compatibility with various plugins. my friend who was working on this with me in parallel ended up compiling some shit from source… i don’t know if that was necessary but i also was not getting shit to work with any consistency whatsoever, sooooo. dunno

AngryLion Plus still randomly crashes on some games - every other graphics plugin largely looks like shit. (Ares looks great, but…)

you could use Ares… but only if you have a beef-ass CPU (my i7-8700K chokes on Wave Race 64)

there’s Simple64, but that similarly requires heavy beef. I can’t get a solid 60 VI/s on Excitebike 64 in Simple64, for example.

CEN64 is promising but not ready for prime time. also requires even more beef than Ares.

ParaLLEl N64 and Mupen64Plus-Next have various issues and their exclusivity to RA sinks them for speedrunning as well as anyone who doesn’t want to do the RA maintenance dance