I Have No Mouth But I Must Game Stream (Google Stadia)

I think that’s what I’m arguing, that because that’s Google’s core business model they have a really, really hard time doing things that require different models

yeah, you’re right, I’m not sure why I didn’t read this as including my point

I’m hearing that Stadia 4k might actually be a lower res upscaled.

So, you pay extra money to…waste bandwidth…

Also, Destiny 2 is confirmed to be medium quality settings. So, definitely not the max settings and “best of PC” we were fed in marketing hype.

the Destiny 2 thing is hilarious because you can very easily build a ~600 dollar system that can run it at 4k60 with a lot, if not all, of the settings turned up

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yeah, 10 tflops isn’t enough to do a lot of 4K/High without postprocessing, and I expect that to get swallowed up by marketing hype for the next generation anyway, but what they’re already doing seems somehow crappier

OK yeah, Destiny 2 on Stadia is also confirmed to be upscaling from 1080p, for the “4K” option.

ok google :roll_eyes:


quit making up words