I have emerged from Vault 76.

Caveat: I got this game for free, and know basically nothing about it except that everyone hates it.

So of I course I dove in.

So in the last game, with my original character, I platinumed the game and played it relatively straight. My next character, Claire, hereafter referred to in the first person, wound up joining the Institute immediately, and eventually ruled the Boston wastes as a teleporting supervillain with a railgun that fired nukes, and None Stood Before Them.

Hearing the fun origin story of Fallout 76, namely that it is Bethesdaā€™s own Resident Evil 1.5 in a way*, I decided to take the plunge and have the institute kids rig up the teleporter to send me back in time, as opposed to between locations in space.

Woke up in an abandoned Vault 76, got my picture taken (see the header image), and wandered around the curiously empty halls for a bit. Nobody inside but robots and the vestiges of what appeared to be a killer party the night before, but nobody to be seen now.

I never got any of this backstory, really. I just woke up here. The computer terminals and robots are telling me that the vault was released back out into the wasteland, but man this has not been stacking up terribly well.

Upon finally arriving outside, in ā€œAPPLE-Ay-CHIAā€ (thatā€™s not how you pronounce that, guys), I am greeted with what appears to be activity of some kind. Thereā€™s an active flare seen above here, for example.

But uhhh. There justā€¦There just isnā€™t much here. Everyoneā€™s dead. All the people whose logs Iā€™m finding, whose stories Iā€™m discovering, whose personal struggles youā€™d THINK Iā€™d be getting involved with?

All dead.

Thatā€™s not figurative, ā€œOh you just donā€™t see them!ā€ No, like, they are VERY dead. You find them. Theyā€™re rotting corpses at best.

I will say, I enjoy seeing the original Pip Boy 2000 again, from the top-down RPG games. They even went out of their way to make it match up to the one seen in Fallout 1/2, and uh I appreciate that I really do. Thatā€™s fun. They even got the color right. Thatā€™s a nice detail.

Somewhat surprisingly though, it wasnā€™t long that I was outside before this happened. I literally crested a mountain, and watched what I thought was a satellite lazily drifting out of the atmosphere to impact the ground. Nah. That was a nuke.

This is the aftermath, and, uh. Thereā€™s loud sounds coming from that area that donā€™t appear to have originated from the bomb itself. Iā€™m of half a mind to go over there and see what the hell is going on, but I also kinda want to go retreat into the cliffs and build a house now.


ā€˜just wanted to check outside the vault, see if itā€™s safe after three generationsā€™

ā€˜nukes are falling from the sky on an hourly cadenceā€™

ā€˜thatā€™s not too bad, guess Iā€™ll build a house out hereā€™


vault dwellers is weird


From all Iā€™ve (and everyone else) heard youā€™re in for a treat! :laughing:

I mean, not having heard it in the game, depends on where you are from and such. This is a big old silly debate that people have.

I mean I am open to other suggestions but once I got out of Vault 76 they closed and locked the door behind me. I figure as long as Iā€™m not near anything theyā€™re actually trying to nuke, then house is better than no house.

I mean look the entire world has already been blown to shit, short of being incinerated by the actual blast, I think Iā€™m just gonna have to get used to there maybe sometimes being nuclear blasts now and then!

Itā€™s not like theyā€™re gonna make the water even MORE irradiated. It gives you 10 rads per second! Assuming this is coming from plutonium fallout, and based on a YouTube video I saw where someone shockingly enough did the math on this because pedantry is fun when youā€™re picking apart Bethesda games, that comes out to some truly insane particle density (like, a pound and a half of metal particles per 100 gallons or something) but actually maths out semi decently if you live in an area where nukes are common enough to just be dropped around every few days.

Live your reality instead of denying it and all that.

EDIT: OH also to be clear, I wasnā€™t just going to ā€œCheck outside and see if itā€™s safeā€. That wasnā€™t an option, they boot your ass out and thatā€™s it.

Iā€™d worry more about heavy metal poisoning at that point

heavy metal poisoning sounds like a good name for a band, andā€¦ OK, i am sure that thatā€™s already taken, ok okā€¦

Yeah they point out that if youā€™re anywhere near anywhere where enough nukes are going off to irradiate the water this badly IRL, you have other problems to worry about, big time. Or, maybe not, as you are proooooobably super dead, or at least will be before drinking the water becomes a problem.

But assuming the thing thatā€™s irradiated the water somehow also isnā€™t actively killing you for some mysterious reason, yeah ALSO maybe donā€™t drink the water.

Having all the electrons ripped out of your organsā€™ molecules from the inside sounds like one of the slower ways you could elect to check out in this world if you really need to.

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