I have a project that needs to happen, and soon

I lack technical knowledge. It would be a 2.5d shmup in Unity. My role would be as writer.

I have the following resources:

$1,580.00 in paypal credit
$400 cash
A working computer

I am willing to pay or do anything in order to advance this project in any respect.

I need the following:

  • ~15 major voice actors, 12 male 3 female
  • Of these, I need: 1 Male Russian voice actor, 1 male Australian voice actor, 1 female Chinese voice actor, 1 female Indian voice actor, 1 male African or African American voice actor
  • ~9 more incidental voice actors, all male
  • Graphical Assets: Those traditional to a shmup, as well as some codec style portraits, and lots of menu assets
  • Sound assets: One ~90 minute electronic song, sound effects
  • Someone or someones who know Unity and can help get this started since I can’t seem to figure it out due to mental health issues

This is the bare minimum I need to deliver a complete game. There are other things I want to do, but I will worry about them when this project gets started. This is my sole priority in life right now as I’m just working at Safeway otherwise, but I can’t do it without your help.

My email address is JessicaEvans573@gmail.com. Please contact me if you are interested. I will answer questions in this thread as best as I can otherwise.

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i will do a series of pained barks sure

paging @sykel