So, Subnautica doesn’t auto save. Which I didn’t know.
On my system, the game drops frames when you surface. Seems to be a technical problem, rather than a performance issue. And well, this last time it crashed the game. and I lost the last 2 hours of progress. Because no auto save. And that really bummed me out. So…I think I’m gonna shelve this game for awhile.
Started playing Super Robot Wars Alpha on PS1 this week. So far I haven’t been much of a fan of the SRWs I’ve tried (the WonderSwan ones mostly) but I’ve been really into this one. It feels like the most premium SRW I’ve seen in terms of production value, UI and sprite quality. It does feel a little overwhelming though. Both this and G Generation-F, which I also tried recently, dumps you into this game with a ton of different systems to upgrade, and it’s really hard to tell what upgrades you should be prioritizing and the pace at which you are expected to upgrade. I found out about the wiping exploit(?) that lets you grind for experience and cash, but I don’t know how much the game intends you do that to get anywhere.
One funny thing is that, there seems to be sort of little rationale for which cities are included, and which get the Big City treatment (i.e., which ones you can enter for a few little sub-activities). I think Baltimore is entirely absent, IIRC. Pittsburgh was not given the Big City treatment, but Boise Idaho was!
I think I am past the halfway mark in terms of the main quest. I dunno if I have it in me to go hunt down every last story. A few extra hours of icon-hunting in the overworld don’t sound like a lot of fun.
I picked up TABS Totally Accurate Battle Simulator and its very fun. Please see some footage I made.
Here we have 4 valkyrie Vs. the chosen one. And then a pirate captain and his mates, showdown with some knights. And their captive farmers are forced to help fight the knights. (storyline made up by me, personally).
I’ve still got a lot to dig into, but this video is what sold me:
I guess users can create scenarios and upload them for you to play!
Its been in early access for like 4 years?—and has a lot of stuff now.
OK here’s one more for the day. I spent a long time getting this one right.
You don’t have direct control over your units. So I figured out the way to delay them is to literally place them further away. So, there are two initial waves of pirate bomb throwers. And then some knight squires come frome way in the back, to clean up the snakes which were shot as arrows, from the enemy archers. and a lone valkyrie whom was in the back corner. Hoping she would be so delayed, that she would arrive when the archers are exposed.
I was worried that sunless skies would be a shallow imitation of its predecessor, given the change in writer(s), (or so I’d heard) but no it’s really quite good.
Finally reached Albion, and was surprised to find it a smoggy, depressing hellscape after the mentions of it in the reach had built it up to be this last bastion of civilization. Had to go back to the reach to treat my nightmares before I’d explored as much as I would have liked. Though I did make it to the clockwork sun, which was genuinely terrifying!
Also, it took several hours of playtime to realize I had to “equip” my officers because I am a big dum-dum
lock’s quest - TOWER DEFENSE mixed with the adventurey bits of an RPG, i hate tower defense but it seems cool if you like that sort of thing
red faction 2 - janky controls, AI, level design, and a gimmick that is used worse than in original, i maybe would have liked this when it first came out but it has aged bbaaddddllyyy, the stupid story is entertaining though
titan quest - i dont like diablo so i dunno why i tried this, but it seems good if you like diablo stuff!! i didn’t like the greek theme though, was a bit too NORMY for me. i’m more into diablo’s goth bullshit. seems solid but not my cuppa tea
gran turismo sport - TOO MANY MENUS I JUST WANT TO RACE, it’s an okay racing game when you get to the actual racing but there are better options these days
destroy all humans 2 - i had fun with this, though some parts get too tedious, like lowering the alert level. maybe i just need to unlock things more. imma spend more time with it because its stupid fun taking over humans and flying around in a ufo, and the annoying things dont get in the way too much yet
CCT update: I actually beat a character’s arcade route and then tried playing some more because my brain became damaged enough to start liking it and my Dreamcast started to audibly reject the disc it was burnt on
I thought @felix made more posts about Observer but they aren’t on SB1 or 2. huh.
Anyways I’m half-way through it I think? The environments are really excellent and Rutger’s performance is excellent. I distinctly remember everyone going “what the fuck are these stealth sections?” and indeed…what the fuck are these stealth sections. They need to go away.
I think it is a very good game where you just walk around a bunch.
Wow glad they turned around and made a bunch of bullshit It’s Totally Crazy for 30 minute stretches which is exactly what exhausted me about Layers of Fear. Like the buildings geography by itself is totally weird and labrynth and requires an in-game map.
I know there is a descent into madness thing going on but they could Pull back on that I am just arm-chair game designing over here they are clearly very talented and made a lot of good decisions.
I definitely like this a lot more than SOMA. Which these are very similar games structurally. What Game Design class/article/video can we point to and go that’s where First Person Creeping Around Unstoppable Monster = Fun! came from. I think Alien Isolation is the only time I’ve liked it.
the first couple monsters stretches are the worst ones thankfully, the open plan office segment should’ve been excised entirely and the later dream sequences are actually quite neat
it’s very good rutger hauer and environment modeling, the broader narrative maybe isn’t quite as interesting as soma but the characters and spaces are much better
Played some Bad North: Jotunn Edition. This is easy! Then I got to the first checkpoint island and lost 2 squads, lost another squad when cutting my losses and abandoning some farmers, miraculously defended a terrible island with my 3 remaining backup squads. Fleeing is great, you have to commandeer an empty attacker’s boat of the appropriate size, so you can end up stuck fighting your way out.
Picked up Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition in the steam sale to sate my curiosity that Beagle’s Operators vs. Aliens is XCOM with ArmA aesthetics and BB gameplay. It’s more fun than I expected, and the tutorial ramp up gradually adds each mechanic (first match, blocks always succeed, no skills or turnovers → roll to block → turnovers → injuries → skills), which is very pleasant. Next match is against a brawler team so I might have to learn how a running game is supposed to be played, rather than how to stun and foul every opponent off the pitch.