hard to be a caveman (dark souls 2 first timer thread)

(What screwed me up most in the early game was they stuck a “so you can parry, right?” test boss earlier than usual, and my answer is always “I mean, not well”.)

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dodging is honestly the only thing I have a hang of


this is one reason im happy this is your first (and maybe only, time will tell) Souls game so you get to experience the “weird” dodge roll in this game from the opposite end of anyone else and be like “wtf are you guys talking about.” because what we’re talking about is ultimately deepcut frame data changing between FG versions shit lol

the funny thing is it’s the only evasive roll animation in the series that actually looks like how a real person might tuck & roll to get out of the way of something. All the other games reuse the dodge animation from Demon’s Souls which is this ludicrous somersault 1 inch above the ground. That and the iframes being tied to a stat are all people are reacting to when they think the DS2 dodge roll is different/shitty

it did lead to DS2 having an unfortunate undeserved reputation for shitty hitboxes when like, if you either pump ADP or get really used to the tight timing on your low-ADP roll, it’s no worse than any of the other games & honestly, imo, feels better a lot of the time than the uber-somersault

like for me the biggest difference in the roll is it’s rly stamina expensive in 2 so you have to commit to it. in 3 they made it stupidly OP and cheap so you end up spamming dodge all over the place and somehow surviving and it just feels silly weightless



i think about this & especially “too fancy weed store; cops if your quick” like twice a week

please no one tell me if we learned who dasharez0ne is and/or if they milkshake ducked i want to live in blissful ignorance. if u tell me i will go hollow to forget


you don’t know how many times I’ve tried to do this and then ran right into a hole or off a ledge


i would bet 90% of YOU DIEDs pop up as the player is staring down over an empty cliff while a bunch of zombies/skeletons/etc throw themselves into the void so they can kill u again in hell


You can’t even run past the two guys they’re talking about


i don’t know which boss this is, but considering i never bother parrying bosses, i do feel confident saying you don’t ever have to learn to do it


thinking about how this is the only game of all of these where someone can stab you out of your “passing through boss portal” animation

i think the ds2 devs noticed how often players decided it was better to just run past a stage and decided to do their best to fix that in as many ways they can

which is another reason players of previous games would be so annoyed with it, they took our cheese from us and said we have to eat the veggies no matter what


when your character teleports a metre sideways to get skewered on the end of pursuer’s glowing blue sword you’ll probably start to wonder what’s up

clear this entire hallway of animated statues, every time you fight the boss (well, the first 12 times i guess)


yeahhh i dont care for DS2 attempting to stop you from just running past guys by disabling your door opening/switch pressing invincibility. thankfully they really only actively use that against you a couple times… but it stinks every time

the “boss run” was always a questionable choice i was glad when Elden Ring dialed way back on it. Made perfect sense as a balancing act in Demons Souls got pretty tired when every single boss became a guaranteed multi-try challenge

@username might have been thinking Pursuer, who can be parried easily if you’re a parry master (but not riposted for some stupid reason). he is really much more of a “can you dodge” test imo but more generally is a big skill check boss. like “can you do your character build some justice”


I have taught myself how to cheat in this game so I can help daphny give themself 99 lifegems. Also I’m in The Gutter now and this place SUCKS. My friend told me this game has 4 poison swamps and I almost started crying.


they’re not conventional swamps, they’re fields of poison-spewing rakes to stumble through


yeah one of thems basically Hazy Maze Cave from Mario 64. almost down to the visual fidelity lol


Mod to add Football Mace


“this game…it’s one grudge after another…one texture after another…” - daphny


the strategy i had in mind and was obliquely referring to is using a homeward bone or walking back to the bonfire once you’re low on resources so you keep your souls. but that does require being able to get through most encounters without dying so that there’s just gradual attrition on your estus flasks and spells, which is an iffy proposition for a new player with a starting character

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I made it to Majula. I have died three times. Each time has been from falling off a cliff.