You sorta can in earlier patches of DkS2 using an out-of-bounds glitch!
I spent my entire sunday fighting fume knight which tbh made me feel like absolute shit. Ive fought a thousand of these big sword cunts in these games i get it dude. Give me the giant twitching mass of limbs bosses that either do nothing or oneshot you with a movement you didnt even see instead please.
Anyway yesterday i killed him while i was cooking dinner. Wish i could have my sunday back!
I remember doing this to put messages down in hard to reach places while waiting to be summoned for boss fights, and I remember that I learned how to do this just from watching phantoms glitching out of bounds in front of fog gates.
whoa lore
basic meat and potatoes is how I usually tackle a first run in these games so I’ve maxed out my Bastard Sword with Pyro, bombs and crossbow as supplements (usually go sorcery second playthrough) Polly, Bastard Supreme, rolling deep on The Rotten
only for both of them to get rolled while I squeaked through. Lucatiel!!!
I failed you T___T
shes so cool
the power of the grinch continues to grow. ring of giants x stone ring x the poke stick x occasional Force = I Am The Stagger Queen
my only hindrance now is my extremely weak and pathetic hat levels. its so bad. i need more hat. i need better hat. the whole point of hat souls is to gank guys and take their hats and i am way too gank and not enough hat. ive been stuck with the little alpine hat and its NOT FUNY ENOUGH
also ky figured out that playing ds2 with yakety sax makes it better
ds2 is a game about ladder safety
this is real good. i love the ambient comedy of these games…
i played so much shadow of mordor while listening to klaus wunderlich, it was delectable
The very first time i died in Dark Souls 2 was from pressing the dodge/run/backstep button without touching anything else on a ladder cuz that is how you slide down ladders in Dark Souls 1, and instead my character just fuckin let go and fell to her death
i think forest of fallen giants is my favourite area just because i really like the look of the chunky wooden ladders (nice texture). i think the only other one is the one gilligan produces on earthen peak, everywhere else has metal or rickety stick ladders
is dark souls 2 the game with the famous ladder pointy hat person going down it and bonking their hat on every rung?
anyroad yes ive also fallen off ladders even though i wasnt used to a different game, i just did it righ tthe first time and was like ‘i wonder what happens if i just press the button, oh, there go my souls again’ haha
jeez these walls look like they’re pencilled in thats amazing
that’s Bloodborne
haha i was just about to ask if it was that