Picking a song to post here was causing me immense mental anguish so here’s this instead.
Happy Birthday Brian.
I have seen NORBIT at least 4 times and I can’t blame all of those viewings on Brian Wilson but at least two of 'em, yeah, maybe they were attempts at getting on his wavelength
These are my personal A & B sides
On the subject, does anyone have a favorite Smile sessions bootleg? I got really into an archive of them ten years ago but I can’t remember which ones were good. The official Smile release came out soon after and my brain just kind of wiped everything out even though I think I might prefer some of those bootlegs now.
Immediately found the mix I liked back then, lol.
And here’s a description of it:
Odeon Second Edition, although in my memory they all sort of blend into one these days. No suprise that Brian could never finish it to be honest.
Mok’s version is the first one I heard. It’s long, but I really like the heroes and villains and vega-tables on it. My friend burned me a copy and I wore that thing to the ground.
I’m pretty sure “Johnny Carson” is my most played Beach Boys song
I gotta listen to more Beach Boys. I really love Pet Sounds and Surf’s Up.