Hack9 and Hacker9 are in English now!

I finally got the Hack9 hacked saved file moved to a new URL and have updated the original post to reflect this. Furthermore, I made the mistake of rereading the opening post. It appears that I hacked this game without knowing much about the actual gameplay of it. I should probably rewrite the whole thing to reflect what I’ve learned having spent some meaningful time actually playing the game.

At some point I should probably repeat the process of hacking the Hack9 save file but do it to Hacker9.

Still waiting on a Hack9 Solid English translation into English.

Apparently Hack9 is on Android now(?). I haven’t messed with it yet. I’ll have to spend some time trying that out. Since I’m not fond of mobile games, I may not be the guy to put it through its paces. Also, I doubt that my hacked save file will work on an Android game, which is definitely not a perk.

Yeah, nevermind. hack9Android doesn’t appear to be available in the US. It’s probably only available in Japan.
Guess I could try to set up a Japanese Android x86 instance in VirtualBox, but without a VPN even that is probably pointless. Goddamn region locked bullshit.

Still interested in knowing more about this game, namely how to progress beyond the first area. It was inscrutable to me when I tried it a few years ago.
It felt to me like you were intended to spend a good deal of time there just grinding, but maybe I was missing a more obvious way forward than the gauntlet I was initially throwing myself at.
When I first played dark souls I assumed the depths were at the end of the catacombs and made it to the bottom of tomb of the giants before I realized it wasn’t the way forward yet so I’m not exactly the best at picking up on these things

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Yes, you are intended to grind in the beginning. That’s why I made a hacked save file that obviates any need for grinding.

Granted, I might do well to go back and make another one that only has the effectively unlimited money but doesn’t pre-purchase all of the HP and MP buffs in the shop of the opening area. I may have gone a bit too far in doing that.

Still, if you just want to see the game then I recommend trying my hacked save file. It’ll allow you to progress.

Another sort of irksome thing starting out is that most of the weapon drops seem to be random. You could go quite a ways without picking up any of the starter pistols simply because they don’t drop.

The Dark Souls comparison seems like a natural one, but I’d say Dark Souls does it better.

I keep meaning to stream this game at some point but I feel trepidation about that. I had a friend of mine play through most of the game (I didn’t see him do it) and he swears up and down that the last boss is impossible. I’m thinking he may have fucked up a detail on that fight though. It has a very particular quirk to it from what I’ve seen of JP language playthroughs of this game on Nico Nico Douga.

As a matter of due diligence I’m just checking in on this thread and I have some mixed news.

My links to the hacked save file are currently dead. I’m looking into fixing them but that will take time. I don’t have reliable hosting of my own. I’m considering putting the file onto the Internet Archive or at least a Google Drive, as those both seem a bit less tenuous than my previous solution.

Never mind, I fixed the links to the patch. Honestly, not sure where the broken URL even came from. I have a theory but I can’t recall whether or not it’s true; more importantly, it doesn’t matter. The file is once again available and that’s what matters here!

The creator of these games seems to be hard at work on a new, seemingly polygonal and thus 3D game. I don’t know the name of it It seems to be the “Cyber Shinobi” game (surely they can’t be thinking of going with that title. I think that’s the name of an old SEGA Game Gear game) they showed off at C95 in 2018 (I mentioned it here, but I haven’t kept up with subsequent Comikets, alas). There are several short videos of a newer, fancier build of the game here in this Twitter post and it seems much improved from its state in 2018. Seems to be some kind of cyber-ninja, waifu dungeon crawler type thing? Might be sort of a Souls-adjacent thing since there’s a post here about poison swamps. This video also shows off Souls-esque glow around the protagonist, but it also shows off a lot more air game with jumping and mantling far in excess of what’s possible in most Souls/Fromsoft games, with possible exception of Sekiro and maybe Elden Ring to a lesser extent.

The old 2018 video gave off more of a Tenchu/Metal Gear Solid impression. Tough to say how much of that spirit has been preserved after 4 years of development.

There are other videos of it sprinkled across wahiko94’s timeline but at the end of the day it’s all sparingly interspersed between large swathes of Kantai Collection and Uma Musume fan art so I can’t easily dig it all up in a single post. I did scroll back a good way through their timeline and its reams and reams of Uma Musume fan art. Honestly that’s an improvement over the years where it was just ship girls flashing their panties.

Anyway, in having sifted through several years worth of posts I’m inclined to think that I linked every recent post/video of Cyber Shinobi. Pretty sure wahiko has been silent about this game since 2018 right up until this year, which may indicate that the release is in at least closer proximity than it was before. I mean, there was also the years of pandemic and whatnot. A good time to be silent and work on a game, I wager. Still, I don’t imagine this’ll be coming out any time soon. From a technological perspective this game seems as though it might be much more involved than any of their previous games.

I can collect a more comprehensive set of links to materials for this new game in this thread or a new one once more information about the new game comes to light.

Still, I think the new game is chasing the Fromsoft trend to some extent. Not necessarily a bad plan per se. I’ll play it. Well, I’ll try anyway. Don’t think we’ll see this release any time soon, and certainly not with an English translation.

I’ve seen no signs of an English translation for Hack9 Solid which is mildly frustrating but not at all surprising given how long it took to get English versions of Hack9 and Hacker9.

At some point I still need to try to stream playthroughs of the English versions of Hack9 and Hacker9 but it just hasn’t been a priority for me. Still, I imagine I’ll get around to it eventually.

I’ve accumulated a bit over 3 years of experience with streaming games on Twitch since I started this thread and the main thing I’ve learned during that time is that I’m a thoroughly mediocre to poor streamer.

Making videos turns out to be something that I was good at in the days before YouTube, but now it’s a much more cutthroat game and I lack the energy (and familiarity with the tools available to me) to do it. Making walkthrough videos for these games still sounds good in theory, but in practice I lack both motivation and energy, so I reckon those projects will stay on the backburner until my morale improves. Nary a breath shall be held in fond hope for that referendum.

Part of streaming Hacker9 will probably involve repeating the save file hacking process I used on Hack9 because I have neither the skill nor patience to grind these games naturally.

I actually gave Hack9 and the save file to a friend of mine on Twitch and he said the game was still crushingly difficult. In point of fact, he said he couldn’t beat the final boss. That’s deeply concerning to me, though I do wonder if he was using everything at his disposal. There’s certainly a cruel quality to the game’s RNG with respects to weapon drops, so every run still hinges at least a bit on luck. Won’t know for sure until I make another attempt for myself.

Anyway, that’s all i know about what’s up with wahiko94 and their development activities. That’s also everything new and [un]interesting with my own [lack of] progress in giving these games a more thorough look.


I almost missed this but wahiko recently posted about some game being sold at C100 called Ghost9 Super Complete.

No idea what it is. The screenshots look like they come from a bunch of their different games. 2nd screenshot in the tweet seems to be Cyber Shinobi. The 3rd looks like Hack9. Can’t identify the 4th one though. Turns out it’s something called Ghost942, which is available on their main site (though not in English). It looks a bit like Hack9 Solid, except that it seems to star Hack9 and Hacker9 protagonist Snort.

I’ve never really explored the games that are further down on their main site so I have no clue what any of them are about.

My best guess is that the thing they’re selling at C100 is everything they’ve done up to this point, possibly including a demo of Cyber Shinobi. That’s what the tweet seems to suggest since it gives a 2011-2018 time frame for the works in question. That suggests that the Cyber Shinobi on offer isn’t the recent one from the last post. Or maybe it is? The screenshot in the post looks like the recent version.



The 2018 section is referring to the full version of ghost9solid
Also the games included in ghost9supercomplete nekonin edition are ghost9 (9,92,93,94,942,9solid)
Hekatoncheir demo
Mechanized Corps demo
2 april fools games
Nekonin demo (might be cyber shinobi)


It has been brought to my attention via an inquiry in my Twitter DMs that wahiko’s site seems to be dead right now. I dunno what’s up with that but I guess I can try to inquire with wahiko on Twitter about it.

They also brought this thread to my attention, which is a thread with several pastebins of someone’s efforts to translate Hack9 Solid. However, without any sort of effort to integrate the translations into the game itself I’d call these curiosities at best for the moment.

Of more historical interest regarding Hack9 and Hacker9, here are some archived versions of the 4chan threads regarding the efforts to translate those two games as cypherpunks132 mentioned in the previous post: