Grotesque videogames

it’s an extremely simple brawler but a short and fun time imo, though nostalgia may be playing a roll here


Facebook Horizon is obviously supposed to look unthreatening and bland but it’s actually super creepy IMO


i love the mega drive version and have completed it literally hundreds of times

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I played through this obsessively as a kid even though it was basically a shittier version of dragon’s lair. I loved the 3d graphics so much though.


i know kids movie tie ins for the gba are an easy target, but even by those low standards, this is noteworthy in its ugliness


Worth noting this is the sequel to the sequel of Captain Blood, itself pretty peculiar:

The standout feature of the first game was UPCOM, the symbolic language used for all the dialogues. Lend a careful ear and youll find the aliens do use consistent words when they speak to you, and some die hard fans are used to it enough that they don’t need the icons to understand it. Sadly the feature didn’t make it to the sequels.

The first sequel is Commander Blood, which like BBB mixes CG, real time 3D and video of both puppets and live action:

Among essential space game features it’s got a fridge in which you can store not only alcohol but items and NPC passengers, and an on-board TVs with six channels. At one point in the game you get cursed by an ancient mummy and the curse is that all the TV channels show the same boring program, mummy TV

Big Bug Bang is pretty peculiar as it’s made entirely of assets from Commander Blood. But whereas Commander Blood is still a reasonably fun if super weird and kinda broken game that mostly suffers from a hurried, anticlimactic ending and dead ends from the adventure game genre stone age, BBB is a deeply broken mess part adventure and part bare bones civilization management that fascinatingly hates its players for running it, its makers for making it and the bosses of its makers for having the idea in the first place, with NPCs going on strike because they’re forced to be in a terrible recycled cash grab and the best joke of the game being that at one point it’ll ask you if you’re enjoying yourself, and if you answer yes it’ll accurately deduce that you didn’t pay for the game.


i think about the C’est INTERNET! part of this a lot. i wish there was a rip of the music of this game somewhere (i’ve tried and looked in vain). the soundtrack for Commander Blood was really weird and interesting.


yeah I discovered it after watching a video about captain blood which looks insane and incredible

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That track?

ah, thanks for the link. i hadn’t listened to the entire Commander Blood OST so didn’t know it was on there. i guess they must have reused music between the two games. i don’t know why the rips are so lower quality.

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Yeah, as I said every single asset in Big Bug Bang is from Commander Blood. Only the script is new (I’m probably one of the few people to have played that piece of space garbage to the end by the way, and helped someone write what’s probably the only walkthrough). That track, specifically, is from Commander Blood’s ending scene, which made it easy for me to find it for you.

Some of Stéphane Picq’s sountracks were published under the label Exxos (named after the fictional god of game development which the original Captain blood dev team worshipped and sacrificed computers to at press events) but that wasn’t one of them IIRC. If you like Captain Blood’s soundrack it’s worth having a listen to their Dune or Lost Eden.


i’m very familiar with Stéphane Picq’s work - that’s the main reason i was like scrutinizing the soundtrack and pretty much everything he’s worked on that i can find. i’ve included several of his tracks on my Sounds From The Abyss game music mixes.


Oh, awesome!


Captain Blood is so cool


It’d be such a perfect game to remake in VR, too. You spend the whole game sitting in the same place so the movement problem is solved, go all out on the weird biomechanical cockpit and hands, have a bunch of weird controls and devices labeled in alien languages and animate fancy modern zbrushed alien models by motion capturing drunk people doing hand puppet gestures.