Games You Played Today VIII: Journey of the Cursed Poster

This music paired with the twisted corridor will never leave my brain

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I think I abused one of those AoE spells to beat him

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The secret is to put peanut butter on the fried chicken.

Really Doom and OoT fit in the same bucket in my mind. They are both highly lauded games that just don’t really hold up anymore.

Yes, Everyone in the world will fight me.

Honestly, it’s a good thing. Games should have gotten better by now, we should have things improve and progress.


Games have not gotten better just different tho lol, progress is not a linear line of like look the graphics are better and the game is more complicated


It’s been decades, didn’t say it was a straight line, but ya things should get better, we should improve. Honestly, ya better FPS than Doom, and better adventures to be had than those two games. It’s not a bad thing to enjoy some newer things than the classics. But graphics and complexity do add to games, so do sound and design decisions, all improved since then.

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Yeah, the prerendered scenes use the same primitives as the real time stuff, ellipsoids and boxes, only there’s a whole bunch of procedural generation to instance tons and tons of them. There’s a SVGA version of the first game which for whatever reason used a different random seed when rendering all that stuff so tons of small scale details are subtly different.

Ecstatica 2 goes especially crazy with the procgen with all sorts of fancy plants.

EDIT: oh hey, found an archive of that blog that went into rebuilding its world, they comment on that in that article: Reconstructing Ecstatica’s Level Geometry « Dinge von Interesse
They combined the renders with collision data to get a fairly good reconstitution, too:


I like FEAR but I feel like my biggest beef with it is the controls, there’s too much stuff you gotta do. Healing, slow-mo, aim down sights, movement, melee, crouching, grenades. and they’re all bound to the left hand so your brain just shorts out trying to find the right input. Healing is default bound to Z and so you have to do so strategically. I think the slow-mo being bound to control is bad because it’s so hard to reach but something you use frequently.

Also it’s really funny to me the first big level is like a humdrum water treatment plant, but one that makes no sense in terms of layout or design. I like that they show a door is locked by having the door have a window and a bunch of stuff piled on the other side.


I changed the controls in minecraft to be more like stalker, namely x to sprint :twisted:


when i play deus ex i leave reload on semicolon


goin back in time and whispering into J Romero’s ear “ESDF, that way you got room on the left and right sides of the fingers”

j romero: “but…what are you gonna use those buttons for?”

me: “uh, hacking”


i used to do szxc because of the first system shock


Romero is a true doom lefthand mouse and arrowkeys genius unlike us backwards wasd dorks


I look forward to you playing freespace 2 and learning its control scheme


I got to witness this live once, there was a GDC where he just set up a bunch of machines with Doom multiplayer and you could go up and play a round with Romero. I got him when he was AFK without realizing it and saw the forbidden words “You fragged romero” but this doesn’t count


i think i can get daphny to play like the metro games and ghost recon 1 and jagged alliance 2 but freespace has absolutely nothing they care about in games imo

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space is cool but navigating it sucks


but it’s free


it’s got the visual chaos though!


Beat Save Room in about two sittings. Pretty fun for $2 but damn, it just flew right by.