Darkwing Duck (Headcannon demo) (PC)
(@a_new_duck covered this back when it first appeared in 2019:
Demo/prototype thing by Headcannon, on PC. Supposedly also runs on Mac and Linux. It’s freely downloadable from their site:
It’s keyboard-only
so I mapped the keys to my arcade stick with Joy2Key.
The demo runs somehow slightly taller than my 1080p screen in a weird, slightly bordered 1920x1056(??) resolution.
The music and most of the sounds are ripped from the NES game. They pitched it to Capcom (not that Capcom could have made that happen; they’d have had to take it to Disney) as a sequel to that game so it plays kinda the same but now there’s a Guard button that doesn’t protect you,
a battery meter that doesn’t get recharged properly and isn’t really clear on what it does anyway, a recharge timer on your already weak pistol that makes it really freaking annoying, and a grapple line that doesn’t work as well as any game grapple should,
AND recycles your pistol recharge timer just to make things more frustrating.
The single sewer level is bizarrely laid out, enemies and traps are poorly balanced–watch out for those broken bottles underfoot! = PPPP–the camera(!) is annoying, and uh well it’s got problems.
The lead dev has a short video talking about the demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIP0gfDGHpo
It mostly runs pretty smoothly at least and the moving platform grappling bits, while horrible, don’t kill me as much as the dangling bits in NES Darkwing, which…I guess makes this my favorite Darkwing Duck game! = P