Games You Played Today VI (III in the west)

MINIT (PS4) - cute, and a cute gimmick, but i really don’t find it particularly enjoyable to play. that little delay between pressing the button and swinging the sword feels unnecessary.

Pinball Heroes (PSP) (PS4/PS5) - this is a massive glow-up from playing on original hardware. while it has the ugly bilinear filtering on 2D elements as is the case for other emulated PSP titles, the actual tables are textured 3d, which means the game looks fabulous and crisp at 4K when using the full, zoomed-out view (press square to zoom out/in)

fun game, physics are passable but obviously not as robust as modern implementations like Pinball FX. my main complaint is the fat princess table is fucking broken. the table doesn’t flow at all, and every ricochet unfailingly sends your ball right down the middle between the flippers, requiring constant use of the game’s tilt mechanic (flick the analog stick left or right to give the table a good jostle). i really don’t appreciate pinball tables like this - the lines are just shit.

WATCH_DOGS 2 (PS4) - lots of design whiplash with this game. quite a bit of cool stuff here and there, never far in proximity from boneheaded decisions. the dedsec HQ has 5 separate multiple-minute-long audiologs in a tiny little area… there’s nothing to look at while listening to these, and if you try to do anything else while listening to one, it will just cut off. like… why? some of the AI interactions are kind of funny. the car physics are pretty mediocre. characters have that classic empty ubisoftian quality, edges filed down for the sake of “target demographics” and touchstones.

the way the controls for opening a locked door, blowing a massive hole in the pavement through a manhole, and hacking money from someone’s bank account are all identical is probably all that needs to be said about this game


I actually had more fun with Minit Fun Racer than the original game, myself.


Ten minutes into the Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse remake and there’s no jiggle physics. We did it gamers, we beat misogyny.




Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is surprisingly good and has a fairly engaging scenario and initial party setup. More scifi a premise than any Xenoblade really (yes I include X in this – launching ‘L.A.’ onto an alien planet was played in such a dull way).

Liking the military dystopia in this style and it gives me anEnder’s Game vibe even though it’s nothing like that. The idea is you have two ‘nations’, although they’re more like superorganisms, fighting each other in an endless zero-sum game. Humanoid ants and termites endlessly siphoning life force off of the others’ dead. Everyone lives for ten years and is hyper-grown from foetus to full adult like the weird cultureless insects they get trained to be.

I think the difference between this and 2 (and even 1 and X) is the tone is generally much more focused and fits the premise well. It’s morbid and bittersweet without descending into edginess. Meanwhile 2 was far more wacky crazy harem comedy half the time and I wanted to leave every time someone comments on how warm or heavy someone’s body was. There’s a scene early on in 3 where the characters have a mixed bath and they don’t even wink at a pervy joke, the bath is them cleaning the blood and dirt off their soldier ant bodies.

The game is also saved by strong cutscene direction which keeps things feeling structured and interesting in a way that 2 and X never really managed. The cutscenes are long but fuck it, this is a big JRPG, let the cinematics roll, my hands can take the break and generally what I’m shown at least has good music underscoring action and dialogue.

It’s also just refreshing to play a game with British dialects again. It’s a funny feeling when the American accent stands out as unusual.

Set up of the party is good. There’s a junk party member early on who’s given just the right amount of characterisation to make you kinda pretend he isn’t just gonna be killed 3 hours in – but you know he will be. The real strength here is setting up a party of 3 with a proper backstory in their YA novel military academy complete with Ender’s Game rituals and jargon. When we meet the other three party members (that we know exist because of the boxart), we’re primed to imagine what they’ve also been through to get to this point but that they’re also clearly different people. A nice one-two character development which sets up the first and second party as meaningfully similar and distinct at the same time.

The music hits just right to sell certain parts of the plot so far and it squeezes a lot out of the flute as a central motif. Even to the point of the initial alliance being spurred along by FLUTE KNOWLEDGE. The MC of the first party and the MC of the second party initially fight and our first MC realises how to dodge the second MC’s dancing fighting style based on the rhythm of the opposing force’s flute music. It’s goofy but it works to link the theme to the plot development in a way that means the action can also carry meaning without just being endless pointless fight scenes.

A Lord Zedd-looking mech shows up and starts muay thai-ing the party. Some older guy with an Australian accent activates the twin-henshin engine and our two parties that hate each other are stuck; soul-bonded together. And then the giant heaven smile man shows up and shines his infinity vision into the sky so everyone in the world magically hates us (literally convinced to kill us on sight).

This is my favourite conceit for a JRPG party since Yakuza 7 since the team have a natural rift and are put in a difficult situation you can easily root for now they’re outlaws. It’s frequently implied that they likely killed each other’s friends at one point or another.

There’s an odd visual glitch where the terrain occasionally baffles the camera and I’m not sure if it’s the game or my setup. The camera doesn’t always appear to be colliding with the ground, but it isn’t too frequent that it ruins things.


Mr. Do! SNES

This game is psycho. Eat a dessert and get warped to the inverted dimension where a TV monster vomits more monsters from its face and turns into a giant apple that rolls over ledges and crushes your balding clown if you manage to disintegrate him/her with your bouncy power ball.

It kept inventing new ways to kill me / let me kill myself!

And I kept getting crushed under dead TV monster’s giant apple because I just couldn’t remember that would happen, it’s too weird. ^ D^

The colors! Inverting! The angry static-strobing monster tunneling! The monstrous crushing slowdown apples eating! The cherry gulping siren songing! The numbers-as-tunnels 99 levels-ing!

Man. I loved the C64 version back in the day but this…this is nigh overwhelming. Holy Du-Star!


ive probably asked this before but i can never get it straight. is it mr. do (v) as in ‘mister due’ as in “to do” or is it like. mr do as in ‘dodo bird’ ‘doe’ ‘dough’ etc. also in either case why is he called this


Thanks for this fantastic review description!


so many third party snes games people actually wanted never got pal releases, but this did

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there’s probably an argument to both ways since there’s no direct analogue in katakana to transliterating “do/due” but it would be romanized as “dou”

destroy your ideas of Mr. Do’s name according to this info


Ah! Yeah, that would explain where the name came from, but I would think the katakana came FROM the original “Mr. Do” name–do “Du” is an intentionally alternate re-romanization.

(OH I see you were replying to the reply about the pronunciation, not to the “Du” screenshot I took after entering a SNES cheat code. ^ _^)

Ah, “Mr. Du” is a bootleg version: Mr. Du! - Videogame by Unknown Interesting that they gave it a shout-out in the SNES version via cheat code! = oo

There’s also “Mr. Lo”: Mr. Lo! - Videogame by Unknown

Those two bootleg boards appear to be otherwise identical to the original. Then there are the hacks, with altered gameplay: Mr. DigDo, Mr. Jong, and Yankee Do ( Mr. Do! - Videogame by Universal )


And that mention in the Wikipedia article, of “the original Japanese version of the game, in which he [(Mr. Do)] is a snowman”–was perhaps most likely a prototype version, with different gameplay and music:

There is an alternate, earlier version of Mr. Do! where the protagonist is a Yukidaruma (Japanese snowman) instead of a clown. While referred to as a “prototype” in MAME, other sources claim it was properly released in Japan, making its exact release status a mystery.

In the Clown version, eating the treat in the center of the screen will cause a bunch of Munchers to rush in from the top, freezing all enemies on-screen. In the Yukidaruma version, the Munchers never appear, and the enemies only freeze for a few seconds. The Yukidaruma version has no data for the Munchers in its coding; their graphics replaced the Yukidaruma’s death animation and a few blank tiles.

Mr. Do! (Arcade) - The Cutting Room Floor


According to Wikipedia, it would be “Du” Mr. Do! - Wikipedia , which makes the intended pronunciation pretty clear, I guess.

Also for whatever it’s worth, the English manual for the SNES version makes endless bad jokes on “Do” as the verb:

And it’s pronounced “Du” in the Colecovision commercial:


i tried playing romero games’ EMPIRE OF SIN again becaues i tried playing it at launch and ran into a game breaking bug in the first battle (lol) and now the game is totally unplayable because if you lose like, half your HP in a fight your out for literal in game months. the problem is in that the tutorial half the thugs you fight have tommy guns that can burst fire and do enough damage to critically injure you after the fight so everything feels like a tedious exercise in making sure you have the opportunity to heal back up before finishing a fight. which is BORING and you cant even savescum battles quick saving and quick loading

so naturally i went back to omerta city of gangsters the greatest game of all time, approved by even my mom!!

always happy to see SQUIGS again

the main character spends the entire intro rambling about DREAMING THE AMERICAN DREAM and SICILY and iirc the games story becomes this incredibly melodramatic thing where your brother became a COP and so your on opposing sides and at some point you light a bunch of Klan members on fire with a flamethrower for a black speakeasy owner. theres an expansion named THE JAPANESE INCENTIVE and claims to be “a story from a time when love was more important than keeping your cool.” its amazing


I think it’s “Du” (see my other reply above). Can’t find anything on WHY the title is Mr. Do!, though. There’s a series of interviews with the designer here but they don’t ask him about the title.

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I assumed it was ‘Du’ as in ‘Just Do it’ because Mr. Do is a man of action who gets things done


Has the Mtn. Dew X Mr. Do! xbox game ever been dumped? I think it was only playable in store at 7-Eleven for a limited time (??)


Do does what Dig don’t!


Here’s some artifacting that shows the…depth buffer? not sure what it is

Anyway my plan to use a wagon to win a rally car comes to a head as I have enough money for some dirt tires and mild upgrades

It works two times. Rally races in Gran Turismo 3 are a series of 3 races against the same car, but with different AI levels and lap numbers. I’m up against this peugeot.

Anyway it works twice, it’s hard to race a station wagon against a purpose built rally car which presumably has all the upgrades. The third race I’m not fast enough…

So it’s time to bump this up to 400+ hp

After 5 grueling laps (with Milf Manor on in the second monitor) I pull it off

Congratulations: it’s a toyota


I’m reminded of some guy years ago on another forum who had a Celica GT-Four with full Castrol livery. Imagine owning the Sega Rally car. I was so jealous.