Games You Played Today VI (III in the west)

imo in substance rain world is absolutely nothing like metroid (in a really positive way)


Getting way into Felix’s Final Fantasy Tactics patch. I know exactly whats going on for once and the jokes are p good.

Im playing with a job guide for the first time and made a plan for what jobs to give who. This got way too excited about hitting my job goals and got way over leveled. I kind of want to complete all the bar jobs as well, So I might need to get some recruits to form more bar teams. Ive never made the game this easy before. Its kind of a trip. Im not using any of the unique characters because Im too dedicated to my little team.

I have Ramaz the ninja with 2 morning stars doing 150-200 damage a per attack. Hes a former lancer so he has jump, concentrate giving him 100% chance to hit, a full counter and ignore height.
I have a time mage with short charge and a few summons, with teleport.
I have a summoner with half mp usage and black magic.
My former chemist is now a negotiator with item throw, a gun and teleport.
I have an archer lying around that I can swap in whenever, also has teleport. (need that short charge).
I have my up and coming fighter who is just a low level lancer so far but whom I want to be a samurai.

This game really makes me want to build my own tactics game with way more jobs and job/skill interactions, weird statuses and effects. I just get too jazzed up about systems that modify other systems as part of a strat.
I really want one where you can set a character’s focus to either advancing towards new skills or strengthening existing abilities. Breadth Vs Depth. I kinda wanna de-level my characters now that they have the options I want.


WATCH_DOGS 2 (PS4) - the city is very well-done. i like that they went with a black protag. everything else is kind of mediocre, but hey… the city is nice lol

this game feels weird on PS4. runs at 30FPS but doesn’t feel smooth at all. possibly some kind of framepacing issues, dunno


I changed my mind, there is nothing anywhere near as cool as Koi No Disco Queen here, the substories are pretty bland, no arcade games ever, the plot meanders too much in the middle

Kiryu’s perfect stoic heroism is such bullshit here and in every game, it only works because he’s an invincible power fantasy videogame protagonist, he never shows any fear about fighting groups of people alone including dozens of guys with guns when he himself is unharmed. Either he read the script or he’s a true nihilist. That’s definitely what’s compelling about him though

Can someone explain why half the people in this game wear ill-fitting wigs


Maybe the same person who did the hair and hats in VF5. ^_ ^

(These aren’t the worst, I didn’t take screenshots of those. ; D)



Mario Bros. NES (1986 NTSC)

Game B didn’t feel all that much more difficult than Game A. Oh! TMK | Remakes and Ports | Mario Bros. (Arcade) | NES/Famicom Ports Comparison covers this: “In Game A, enemy movement speed is somewhat slower than the arcade version on its standard settings, while Game B increases enemy movement speed and frequency of fireballs.”

Probably mostly played the unreleased Atarisoft C64 version 2-player back in the day, come to think of it. Really great as a 2-player game. = D I even played it with my dad!


That Atarisoft C64 version ( Mario Bros (C64) - 1984 Atarisoft - GTW64 ) is dated 1984! So two years before the US NES version. And it was probably based on the arcade: the fireballs are the larger arcade size. The enemies are slower so yeah it’s easy to get to the top at the start and knock off the first critters at the topmost platform. The critters are their full arcade wide size and don’t flicker. The coins actually do flicker a bit and have no interior detail; and the sound FX aren’t quite as nice as the NES SFX. Overall though it looks and plays really good and I might’a been playing that Mario a year before any of my friends who DID end up getting an NES before me were able to play any kind of Mario.


It’s really amusing to me to know now that my dad had picked us up all these bootleg games for the C64–probably from wherever he got the machine, but I don’t know. He was not at all into bootlegging software, or playing games really, so it’s just kind of funny to me. ^ _^


Arcade Mario Bros. had more colors in the fireballs and the pipes. The sound in the arcade though, at least as heard these days through MAME, is NOT very good, at least not compared to the SFX in the NES version, which are absolutely fabulous.



I had the Apple ][ version of this and it felt like a weird fever dream, my friends were all playing Super Mario Bros but I had this weird version that didn’t take place in the mushroom kingdom, but that WAS mario.


I have about 6 hours now into Gran Turismo 3 and most of that has been in the “Amateur” races and most of that has been not having enough money to buy a car I need for a series, but thinking I can do a series with a stock car, only to get demolished by the competition until I spend tens of thousands of dollars on upgrades to pass cars in the same class. I am beginning to wonder if the game is not registering full input.

Anyway, a big part of Gran Turismo is “a race where 4/6 of the other cars are roughly the same speed, but 1/5 is 20% faster and leads the entire pack right away, and you can’t win until you upgrade your car enough to pass them” and, for the FF races, it’s the fucking Lupo Race car. It’s impossible to get this car from these initial races. All I have for a FWD car is a fucking Kei car. So I slap bigger and bigger turbos on it hoping to make pace

2/3 of the races come down to the final straightaway and me having to physically block the Lupo from passing me. I don’t know where it’s getting the speed…

Anyway, I finally win the races, and I won… A pink Vitz! This is actually very funny to me because this is a meme in the community!

Why do I keep playing? Gran Turismo is so soothing to drive. it’s so polished


Oh whoahh Mario with those Apple Dos sounds is pretty sick. =} And yeah it ain’t in the mushy kingdom 'cause this is the REAL MArio, friendos!

(But at the time I wanted SMB so bad and was shamelessly–I’m a little ashamed of it NOW–getting myself invited over to somewhat casual acquaintances houses so I could play it.)

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i did the gamer deed in destiny 2 (day 1 raid). this one was pretty easy and that was with half the good shit disabled lol


Yep! That’s Gran Turismo 3! It sucks!


Decided to grind some to buy a bunch of upgrades for the Vitz, to partake in the Vitz trophy. Apparently the 20k I spent on upgrades was needed as multiple times I just barely was able to squeak by the others. I don’t know why this racing series is so hard, unless the versions of them in the game are special upgraded ones that are just faster??

Anyway I won. you’ll never guess what happened next…

That’s right, the game gave me ANOTHER pink vitz

I finally have enough money in the game to buy a car I want, so i get the SW20 MR2, since i have one of these and have something to compare it to.


remembering I got a lot of value out of a mildly-tuned PT Cruiser on multiple runs of some interminable beginner enduro race. eventually enough money to buy the interesting cars & I learned never to pay for a PT Cruiser


Ys Book I and II is definitely one of the 100 Video Games to play. There is a bad youtube essay out there about Phantasy Star IV (which as a game is “fine”) that says the brilliant thing about PSIV is it uses game mechanics to express narrative ideas as if all good JRPGs don’t do this.

Ys Book I does this a simpler cleaner manner. The bumping is really fantastic. I an surprised how smart I have to be and the game expects me to be about the bosses. I know this will only continue. Ys stripped out as much of it could from Ultima/Rogue/Wizardry (pretend I know anything when I say those series which I’ve played very little/none/lol) and then sealed up all the holes into a quick smart game that still has some warts. Glad the dungeons aren’t 90 degree turns but twisty turny things designed to confused and your goal is find all the things. Did you find all the things? Can you be sure?

I mean “Yes, I have a walkthrough open because I’ve suffered/enjoyed Ys several times over.” I just want to know what floor the things are. Will try to get through Dharm Tower clean but I know it’s deviousness. The Ys 2’s opening dungeon of mysterious doors and holes and needing to have a infinitely large piece of paper to track where all the holes go to. That haunts me.

Where did the teleporter maze that haunts Japanese video games come from?


I’m the big PSIV defender here, and I’m struggling to think of many points where it even does this


I just went through that ys ii dungeon. It helps to only map rooms with multiple doors. Also helps to cross out rooms that you’ve already explored thoroughly.

I’m amazed at how much excitement this teeny looking game is able to drum up within me. It’s amazing.


It was mostly about how the Power Levels of the characters evolve throughout the game, like how Chaz starts way weaker than Alys as a young rookie, then how he starts to get his own niche and become more relevant in battles before getting immediately outclassed by cool new mysterious dude Rune, etc.

Like the battles during the Kaim flashbacks in FF7 with Cloud and Sephiroth as pals where Cloud deals 1 damage to a dragon and Sephiroth 9999, except a bit more subtle

I liked the video


Wow Wow Wow.

That wasn’t even the one I was referring to lol

edit should be clear I am just surprised there are in fact two videos making this case not that Tuxedo liked something that I did not.


started 13 sentinels last night and i’m not really sure what the hell this game is supposed to be but the presentation is really slick, interesting!!!


I seem to only play MGS2 when I’m sleepy and ready to go to bed, and the game demands reflexes and forethought that I can’t muster, so i stumbled my way through this ship hallway section like 4 times setting off a massive firefight when I didn’t mean to, then there’s a forced firefight I tried to use stun grenades on, and finally I gave up and just plugged everyone with bullets. This means I’m going to get the rating of “Shoebill bird” or whatever the fuck at the end for killing too many dudes.

A big fan of how the game makes a joke out of hundreds of visibility cones on your radar shift left and right as the monitor changes, and also when they stop to stretch.

And here’s the big boy himself. I got frustrated with the camera controls and quit! Maybe later today I’ll muster the energy for this