Games You Played Today ver.1.22474487139...

It has the same jump animation as Night In the Woods!!



we finally built that bridge so games could be about real life and stuff

and look what happened


pikmin bloom is chiller than pokemon go so thatā€™s what iā€™m on now


Project Warlock has a dumbass fuckin boss and if you lose all your lives you have to start over so fuck that game I guess


sitting here, craving to sing at the top of my lungs


ā€¦ 2022 is off to a good start, aye.



Why is my glitched-out Amazon copy of a futuristic racing game playing this song?

Iā€™ve literally never streamed or downloaded this song in my life how is this happening.

Another song this game is playing somehow, despite them not being on the gameā€™s soundtrack:

Edit: Well the game keeps deleting my campaign progress or something and thatā€™s annoying enough that Iā€™m going to stop playing. But what a magical, weird little computer glitch. Iā€™ll always remember being the most soulful combat racer


beat dark souls 3 in just under 30 hours, and a good chunk of that time was idling and secret hunting. the final boss was very good and cool but too easy. a lot of the game was too easy. the level design was all very modular and less confusing than the previous games. more player friendly, the lotusroot shortcut design is almost overdone but it works. itā€™s not as bad as bloodborneā€™s shortcuts though.

edit: now downloading the DLC, I must have only downloaded the base game when I bought the deluxe edition. Iā€™ve heard good things about it, Iā€™ve never done any series DLC before. never gotten excited about individual levels in a souls game, theyā€™re all just obstacles on my quest to see the credits roll

well, except the levels in demons souls. havenā€™t played that game since 2013 but when I first played it it was so exciting to just pick and choose what level to visit


A new prototype of Bio Force Ape got released today, courtesy of Hidden Palace:

I played through it, and the only difference that I noticed is that they fixed the clips in stage 2

0/10 stick with the older prototype


Would like to apologize for saying ā€œDon Dokkenā€ when I should have said ā€œGeorge Lynchā€. We regret the error.


I finished Bayonetta. I forgot the final boss was David Bowie to go along with Large Black Man and Jo Pesci. While it took me 10 hours you could still easily take out 4 hours and have a tighter more replayable game. Gotta have that length though! So just replay through the environments for mostly no reason.

As I said before the visual flair is still maybe the best video games have ever been. The level of visual effects and cartoonism is jaw-dropping if you can parse what the fuck is going on. Guess there is a slight reason to have stone backgrounds against gold enemies and a black playercharacter.

The instantkill unreadable QTEs still suck and I still think the continue screen is a motivation killer.

Hereā€™s to playing games I want to in 2022!!!


final fantasy ix is a nice game !!! so far it has been all the best vibes. victorio (zidane) is a short king. love this kid!


played Gain Ground FX on TurboGrafx CD, kind of little boring gameplay and lame of music, didnā€™t use much CD advantage.

This cover play tricks on me


I continue to be charmed by Candleman. Itā€™s really nothing revolutionary but itā€™s set out to do some things very well (atmosphere, mainly) and I think it does it. Iā€™ll keep picking away it a few levels at a time until I see it through or hit a wall, for sure.

Ziggurat (no, not that one) is a pretty cool Hexen-like with a roguelike structure. Neat enemy and weapon variety, maybe a little too easy to get screwed by RNG. Iā€™ve done two (unsuccessful) runs. I might give it another go or two before I hang it up. From what Iā€™ve read you only have to get through 5 levels to win. Thereā€™s unlockable items/characters, though it doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s progression from run to run. You start truly from scratch every time.

Iā€™ve also been putting a lot of time into Philipp Stollenmayerā€™s Sticky Terms on my phone. You rearrange groups of letters/letter fragments to form phrases, they are generally all non-English phrases that have no easy translation into English, so thereā€™s a fun little component of learning, which is good because after a while the individual puzzles become less challenging as you begin to recognize the gameā€™s tricks.


this is probably the most fun I ever had with a roguelike FPS ā€“ itā€™s got enough meat on it but doesnā€™t outstay its welcome or ramp up faster than I could be bothered with


rolled the dice on the Epic store discount on Dangerous Driving and for nine bucks itā€™s okay but man, can someone please give Three Fields a little money for the next one, if theyā€™re even still alive at this point lmao

I feel like the people pining for pre-Paradise Burnout got pretty much exactly what they wanted with this one; car feel which wouldā€™ve been acceptable on PS2 but feels downright bizarre in 4K, extremely unpolished progression and difficulty (you start with just one event you can enter, which immediately requires you to win the race, with extremely harsh opponent rubber banding going on, in order to even think about playing something else - and some later events are a walk in the park), a stark lack of car options (each ā€œclassā€ just has three to five of the same car with different attachments and subtly different performance), the UI is straight out of the old Burnouts (for better and worse)

oh also it doesnā€™t have any in-game music, instead offering a ā€œconnect your Spotify Premium accountā€ button lmao

the graphics are really quite nice, it doesnā€™t have that ā€œI am an Unreal Engine gameā€ sheen all over the place, itā€™s just overall a good looking game, the environments are nice to look at and the tracks are varied, if on the longer side

itā€™s a serviceable return to that particular era if youā€™re filled with a deep nostalgia for it, even if (graphics aside) you might be better served by throwing Legends into PPSSPP, but frankly Iā€™m more of a Paradise gal, so this experience may instead compel me to grab Paradise Remastered off Game Pass :upside_down_face:


yeah I think that was my lone Epic Store refund, I was shocked by how cheap it felt (after Danger Zone which I thought was pretty serviceable)

I tried Taiko and Fantasian with Apple Arcade free subscription and then I deleted them

the only other game I see worth playing is Daifukkatsu but not for $5 a month, thatā€™s a game Iā€™ve already beaten on PC and have no desire to 1cc, unless Iā€™ve already done it and forgot because the gameā€™s pretty easy


Iā€™d love to know which dickheads made the agreement between EA and Microsoft that EAā€™s PC Game Pass games should not cloud sync with their Xbox counterparts


gamepass sux

canā€™t imagine paying full price (or anywhere near)